Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Deathsort descending
Wiggins, Mrs. Anne Female 1887 80 Paralysis
Mowat, Sir Oliver Male Lieutenant Governor of Ontario 1903 82 Paralysis and accident
Mink, Mr. James Male Formerly livery stable keeper 1868 70 Paralysis and dropsy
Dredge, Mr. Alfred Male Ex-Stationer 1901 73 Paralysis and general break-up
Andrews, Mr. George Male Farmer 1887 74 Paralysis and general debility
Duggan, Mr. Joseph Male Ex-Hotel keeper and horse dealer 1904 74 Paralysis and heart failure
Mason, Mr. Alfred James Male Ex-accountant 1914 83 Paralysis and old age
Blake, Hon. Edward Male M. P., etc. 1912 78 Paralysis and pneumonia
Reford, Mr. William Male Real estate agent 1895 66 Paralysis brain
Finch, Mr. Charles S. Male Commercial traveller 1898 47 Paralysis of bowels
Beall, Mr. James W. Male Agent, florist 1896 47 Paralysis of brain
Hodder, Dr. E. M. Male Doctor 1878 67 Paralysis of brain
Annis, Rev. J. W. Male Methodist Minister 1895 44 Paralysis of brain
Cox, Mr. James Male Confectioner 1888 68 Paralysis of heart
Small, Mr. Charles C. Male Clerk of Crown 1864 62 Paralysis results
Duggan, Col. George Male 1863 80 Paralysis, etc.
Manning, Mr. Alex Male Capitalist and contractor 1903 85 Paralysis, general break-up
Howland, Mr. Oliver A. Male Lawyer, ex-Mayor of Toronto and M. P. P. 1905 57 Paralysis, heart failure
Thompson, Mr. Henry Male Late Manager of Gas Co. 1880 66 Paralysis, softening of brain
Lawson, Mr. William Male Ex-Grocer 1915 72 Paralysis?
Jennison, Mrs. Elizabeth Female Class leader Elm St. 1862 68 Paralytic stroke
Gurnett, Mr. George Male Police Magistrate 1861 69 Paralytic stroke
Carroll, Rev. John Male Methodist Minister 1884 73 Paralytic stroke
Pearson, Mr. Charles Robert Male Superintendent, Gas Company 1907 44 Paresis
Traub, Mr. John Emil Male Physician 1909 46 Paresis
Crombie, Mr. Ernestus M. A. Male Barrister 1883 57 Paresis?
Wright, Mrs. Female Thomas Wright 1859 47 Partly effects of a fall
Reynolds, Mrs. Margaret Female 1864 46 Passage from stomach closed.
Wilcocks, Mr. Horace L. Male Farmer 1865 47 Peculiar liver disease
Lightfoot, Mrs. Margaret Matilda Female 1898 32 Perforation of intestines
McNabb, Mrs. Eliza Female McNabb 1863 26 Peritonitis
Ryrie, Mr. Harry Male Jeweller 1917 55 Peritonitis
Knowland, Mr. Frank J. Male Lamplighter 1897 50 Peritonitis
Andrews, Mr. Albert Male School-teacher, etc. 1895 57 Peritonitis after operation in Toronto
Kerr, Mrs. Jane Female 1919 63 Pernicious anaemia
Rogers, Mr. George Male Gentleman's furnishings 1885 40 Pleurisy
Jeffery, Mrs. Anna Female J. W. Jeffery 1884 44 Pleurisy
Scott, Mrs. Mary B. Female 1891 75 Pleurisy
Kay, Mr. John Male Dry goods 1891 74 Pleurisy
Scott, Mr. Thomas C. Male Surveyor of Customs 1876 70 Pleurisy
Keighley, Mr. William Male Grocer 1861 49 Pleurisy
Thompson, Mr. Thomas Male Retired clothing merchant 1909 77 Pleuro-pneumonia
Bowes, Mr. John J. Male Merchant 1901 54 Pleuro-pneumonia
Johnston, Dr. J. K. Male Gas inspector 1910 61 Pleuro-pneumonia
Sutherland, Rev. Dr. A. Male Secretary of Methodist Missionary Society 1910 77 Pneumo Thorax
Preston, Mr. Duncan Male Commercial traveller 1904 40 Pneumonia
Gregg, Rev. William Male Presbyterian 1909 91 Pneumonia
Wanless, Mrs. Susan Female John Wanless 1901 74 Pneumonia
Wood, Mr. George W. Male Insurance agent 1898 57 Pneumonia
English, Mr. Edward Taylour Male Barrister 1910 54 Pneumonia
