Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname)sort descending Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Death
Scotchburn, Mrs. Female William Scotchburn 1960 79
Scott, Mrs. Female John Scott 1942 87
Scott, Mrs. Edna Rose Female R. J. Scott 1960 52
Scott, Mrs. Elizabeth Tudor Female James Scott 1950 29
Scott, Mrs. Emma McVety Female John C. Scott 1955
Scott, Mrs. Ethel May Female Thomas Scott 1957 68
Scott, Mrs. Minnie Campbell Female Alexander Scott 1961
Scratch, Mrs. Lydia Dawson Female Scratch 1959
Scroggie, Mrs. Florence Mary Female George E. Scroggie 1948 77
Scythes, Mrs. Armada Female John Ardagh Scythes 1959
Seagrave, Mrs. Elizabeth Harris Female Seagrave 1955 71
Seal, Mrs. Lela Beatrice Female J. Forister Seal 1946
Sears, Mrs. Harriet Howard Female Robert Sears 1881 72 Stone in bladder
Segsworth, Mrs. Mary Female Segsworth 1886 70
Seguin, Mrs. Female Alfred H. Seguin 1957
Selby, Mrs. Catherine Elizabeth Female David L. Selby 1946
Selkirk, Mrs. Donnie Dora Female Harry H. Selkirk 1951
Senior, Mrs. Alice Maud Female William Carter Senior 1955 91
Service, Mrs. Robina Female C. W. Service 1957 85
Setterington, Mrs. Female Harvey B. Setterington 1957
Sewell, Mrs. Mary Female Adam James Sewell 1945 79
Shannon, Mrs. Belva Shepherd Female Shannon 1955
Shannon, Mrs. Catharine Mary Female Lewis W. Shannon 1947
Shapter, Mrs. Female J. T. Shapter 1870 45 Consumption
Sharkey, Mrs. Carrie Gray Female James L. Sharkey 1946
Sharp, Mrs. Evelyn Female Henry Nevinson Sharp 1955 85
Shaver, Mrs. G. Floy Female Charles A. Shaver 1948 66
Shaw, Mrs. Female W. J. Shaw 1869 35 After confinement
Shaw, Mrs. Louisa Female Parkinson Shaw 1955 83
Sheard, Mrs. Alice G. Female Robert H. Sheard 1955
Sheard, Mrs. Virna Stanton Female Charles Sheard 1943
Shenstone, Mrs. Mary Smart Female Joseph N. Shenstone 1945 88
Sheppard, Mrs. Monica Vellamo Female Osborne Sheppard 1952
Sheppard, Mrs. Julia Isabelle Montgomery Female O. B. Sheppard 1947
Sherk, Mrs. Female Roy M. Sherk 1957 51
Sherman, Mrs. Donna Creed Female Paul Sherman 1959 41
Shiels, Mrs. Bessie Sutherland Female J. H. Shiels 1959 59
Shilstra, Dr. Anna Mcconnell Female A. J. Shilstra 1942
Shirra, Mrs. Frances Harriet Female William Shirra 1955
Shoebridge, Mrs. Female Herbert L. Shoebridge 1957
Shore, Mrs. Alberta Female Anthony Richard Shore 1955
Shortt, Mrs. Elizabeth Female Adam Shortt 1949 89
Shultis, Mrs. Sarah E. Female Adam Shultis 1942
Shuttleworth, Mrs. Edith G. Female John Kenyon Shuttleworth 1954
Sifton, Mrs. Doris Female Clifford Sifton 1961 65
Sigsworth, Mrs. Agnes Maude Female Oscar Sigsworth 1964 83
Silcox, Mrs. Ethel Audrey Female Claris Edwin Silcox 1944 54
Silverman, Mrs. Female Aaron Silverman 1956 81
Silverthorn, Mrs. Victoria Female Gideon Silverthorn 1949
Simonsky, Mrs. Annie Female Simon Simonsky 1956
