Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname)sort descending Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Death
McCaul, Mrs. Female Reginald M. McCaul 1957
McCaul, Mrs. Emily A. Female John McCaul 1896 75
McCaul, Rev. John Male Reverend; formerly president of Univ. College Emily A. McCaul 1887 80 Complications of paralysis
McCausland, Mrs. Female Joseph McCausland 1876 40
McClain, Mrs. Jane Female William McClain 1918 89 General break-up
McClenaghan, Mrs. Matilda Agnes Female Stewart McClenaghan 1956 87
McClung, Mrs. Nellie Female R. W. McClung 1951 77
McConnell, Mrs. Female John Wilson McConnell 1972 92
McCoppin, Mr. Minnie Female William McCoppin 1955
McCord, Mrs. Charlotte Female A. T. McCord 1891 83 General decay
McCormack, Mrs. Male William McCormack 1905 77
McCormack, Mrs. Gladys Female Carson McCormack 1959 68
McCormack, Mrs. Laura June Forbes Female E. McCormack 1961 40
McCulloch, Mrs. Female John B. McCulloch 1957 90
McCullough, Mrs. Eleanor S. Female W. Stewart McCullough 1953 48
McCurdy, Mrs. Ann Estelle Female F. P. McCurdy 1959
McCurdy, Mrs. Lucy Female John R. McCurdy 1958
McDermid, Mrs. Frances M. Female R. McDermid 1948 70
McDonagh, Mrs. Female Andrew J. McDonagh 1957 91
McDonald, Mrs. Female Donald McDonald 1876 48
McDonald, Mrs. E. Ann Female McDonald 1906 82 Heart disease
McDonald, Mrs. Frances Female Donald McDonald 1913 92
McDougald, Mrs. Margherita E. Female Duncan J. McDougald 1953
McDougall, Mrs. Mabel Female J. T. McDougall 1959 76
McEachern, Mrs. Mary E. Female John S. McEachern 1955 80
McEachran, Mrs. Louisa Female Neil McEachran 1901 65
McElheran, Mrs. Irene Female Robert Benjamin McEleran 1955
McEvoy, Mrs. Emily Miriam Female Reginald McEvoy 1956
McFarland, Justice George Franklin Male Pauline A. McFarland 1950 70
McFarland, Mrs. Pauline A. Female G. Franklin McFarland 1948 64
McGann, Mrs. Charlotte Female Charles McGann 1953 89
McGee, Mrs. Rebecca Female John McGee 1891 66
McGill, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Shuter Female Peter McGill 1860 84
McGregor, Mrs. Hazel Female McGregor 1961
McGuire, Mrs. Anna Female W. H. McGuire 1954
McIntyre, Mrs. Female James McIntyre 1957 101
McIntyre, Mrs. Bridget Female James McIntyre 1957 101
McIntyre, Mrs. Mary E. Female Robert W. W. McIntyre 1952
McKay, Mrs. Female John M. McKay 1872 46
Schweitzer, Mr. Val E. Male A group insurance supervisor of the Great-West Life Assurance Co. Alison McKeague 1955 61
McKegney, Mrs. Julia Female James McKegney 1907 90
McKenzie, Mrs. Ellen Female James McKenzie 1850
McKerroll, Mrs. Mary Catherine Female D. T. L. McKerroll 1949
McKillop, Mrs. Lillian M. Female John McKillop 1960
McKinnon, Mrs. Isabella Female S. S. McKinnon 1913 66
McKittrick, Mrs. Ida C. Female E. J. McKittrick 1948 78
McLaughlin, Mrs. Female George W. McLaughlin 1947
McLaughlin, Mrs. Eliza Ann Female R. J. McLaughlin 1958 94
McLean, Mrs. Female William McLean 1894 Diarrhoea, etc.
McLean, Mrs. Alice Louise Meredeth Female A. D. McLean 1945 86
