Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Deathsort descending Age at Death Cause of Death
Crew, Mr. W. B. Male Auctioneer 1859 49 Committed suicide under influence of liquor
Fisher, Mr. Duncan Male 1859 28
Jones, Mr. W. Male Clerk in Registry Office 1859 45 Consumption
Brownlee, Mr. G. Male Printer 1859 24
Strachan, Mr. A. W. Male Lawyer 1859 41
Taylor, Mrs. Margaret Female 1859 54 Intermittent fever
Wetenhall, Mrs. Female 1859
Rooney, Archibald Male 1859 7 Inflammation of lungs
Hartman, Mr. J. Male M. P. P., farmer, warden, etc. 1859 38 Consumption
Moodie, Mr. James Male Sailor and tavernkeeper 1859 31 Consumption
Hartman, Mr. Joseph Male 1859
Philpott, Mr. E. G. Male Lawyer 1859 40 Burst blood-vessel
Polley, Mr. Charles Male Clerk (?) 1859 21 Consumption
Meyerpopper, Mr. V. K. Male Minister 1859 74
Keith, Mr. George Male Late chief factor of Hudson's Bay Company 1859
Furlong, Mr. Coland Male 1859 65
Bryan, Mr. H. V. E. Male Hardware merchant 1859 26 Cholera morbus after a few hours' illness
Davis, Mr. William Male Late constable and tavern-keeper 1859 55
Monny, Mr. Henry Male Clerk 1859 43
Richardson, Mr. Henry Male Tavern keeper 1859 34 Consumption
Wallis, Mr. John Male Leather merchant 1859 44
Bethune, Mr. John W. Male Medical student 1859 21 Consumption
Hawke, Mr. John Male Shoemaker 1859 65 Complication of disorders
Fiset, Mrs. Susan Female 1859 21 Childbirth
Armour, Mr. A. H. Male Bookseller 1859 49
Woodhouse, Mrs. J. Female 1859 56 Lingering illness
Wright, Mrs. Female Thomas Wright 1859 47 Partly effects of a fall
Keele, Mr. Henry Male Solicitor 1860
Mercer, Mr. L. W. Male Late Sheriff 1860 38 Smallpox
Newman, Mr. H. W. Male Agent and clerk 1860 37
Willoughby, Mr. John Male 1860 27
Cotter, Dr. George C. Male Doctor 1860 39
Hessin, Mrs. Female 1860 62
Wilson, Mr. John Male Buyer for Moffatt Murray 1860 36
Blakeley, Mr. Alexander Male 1860 77
Murphy, Mr. John Male Tavern-keeper 1860 62
Ferguson, Mr. Thomas R. Male Tailor 1860 55 Apoplexy
Patrick, Mr. Thomas C. Male Druggest, etc. 1860 38 Fever
Headley, Mr. George Male Tailor and constable 1860 42 Consumption
DeBlaquiere, Hon. P. B. Male Member, Legislative Council 1860 77 Apoplexy
Cuthbert, Mr. J. W. Male Tavern-keeper 1860 35 Consumption
Jarvis, Mr. W. D. P. Male Lawyer 1860 38
Ure, Mr. George P. Male 1860
Pim, Mr. Wiliam H. Male Builder 1860
Kenney, Mr. Thomas Male Tavern-keeper 1860 54
Fiskin, Mr. James Male Merchant 1860 32
Searle, Mr. H. Male Musician 1860 56
Morgan, Mr. Peter Male Broker, etc. 1860 53 Apoplexy
Henry, Mr. Walter Male Late Inspector-General of Hospitals 1860 69
Rykert, Mr. A. E. Male Officer in the 100th 1860 26 Consumption
