Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname)sort descending Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Death
Sutton, Mrs. Lila Female J. L. Sutton 1946 70
Sweetman, Mrs. Alice Anne Female E. Osborne Sweetman 1944
Sweetnam, Mrs. Sophia Caroline Female Matthew Sweetnam 1913 80
Sykes, Dr. George Frederick Male Ione Grant Sykes 1955 63
Sykes, Mrs. Female A former president of the Ottawa branch of the Canadian Women's Press Club. Alfred Sykes 1960 63
Symons, Mrs. Frances R. Female David Thorburn Symons 1954 80
Taber, Mrs. Beatrice Elizabeth Female H. E. Taber 1961
Tackaberry, Mrs. Carrie Walker Female R. J. Tackaberry 1908 52 Complication
Tackaberry, Mrs. Lizzie Female R. J. Tackaberry 1871 21 Tumour
Tait, Mrs. Eva M. Female Nelson Tait 1950
Talbot, Mrs. Female Marcus Talbot 1860 30 Lost on Steamer Hungarian
Tanton, Dr. Creel Armour Male Dentist Charlotte Henderson Tanton 1944 46 Heart attack
Taschereau, Lady Female Henri Elzear Taschereau 1962 84
Tate, Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Female John A. Tate 1953
Tattersall, Mrs. Kitty Female Richard Tattersall 1952
Tatum, Mrs. Elizabeth Female Ezra Francis Tatum 1955 83
Taylor, Mrs. Female Norman W. Taylor 1957
Taylor, Mrs. Annie Female Thomas A. Taylor 1951
Taylor, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Female James Taylor 1959 100
Taylor, Mrs. Florence M. Female Frank Denison Taylor 1954
Taylor, Mrs. Mary Grace Female Richard W. Taylor 1955 85
Teney, Mrs. Florence E. Female J Hampton Teney 1951 87
Thomas, Mrs. Female George Thomas 1958
Thomas, Mrs. Martha J. Female W. Thomas 1874 70
Thompson, Mrs. Sadie A. Female John Andrew Thompson 1955 81
Thompson, Mrs. Sarah Female Charles Thompson 1955 94
Thompson, Mrs. Susan Female Henry Thompson 1898 77 Paralysis
Thompson, Mrs. Christina E. Female Samuel Thompson 1890 46 Brain trouble caused by disease of optic nerve
Thompson, Mrs. Gertrude Female John Albert Thompson 1966 80
Thompson, Mrs. Helen Female Charles Thompson 1902 80
Thompson, Mrs. Jeanette Ray Female Charles A. Thompson 1955
Thompson, Mrs. Laura Elizabeth Female James W. Thompson 1945 64
Thompson, Mrs. Lillie Female F. W. Thompson 1954 75
Thompson, Mrs. Lucretia Female Charles Thompson 1869 62
Thompson, Mrs. Martha Female Richard Allen Thompson 1956 92
Thompson, Mrs. Rebecca Female Thomas Thompson 1878 79
Thomson, Mrs. Female Robert B. Thomson 1957 84
Thomson, Mrs. Beatrice Ellen Female W. S. Thomson 1960 44
Thomson, Mrs. Edith Female J. Ellis Thomson 1945
Thorburn, Mrs. Amy Female James Thorburn 1956
Thorneloe, Mrs. Pearle Estelle Female Henry P. Thorneloe 1946
Thurston, Mr. David Male Formerly United States Consul Emma B. Thurston 1889 76 General break-up.
Thurston, Mrs. Emma B. Female David Thurston 1915 81
Tiel, Mrs. Nora Female J. A. Tiel 1958
Tilley, Mr. Leonard P.D. Male Laura T. Tilley 1947 77
Tilley, Mrs. Laura T. Female Leonard P.D. Tilley 1952 76
Timleck, Mrs. Female Arthur Timleck 1955 57
Timpany, Mrs. Elizabeth Female Clarke C. Timpany 1947 62
Tindle, Mrs. Roxena Female George Tindle 1946
Toija, Mrs. Alma Female Theodore Toija 1952 62
