Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname)sort descending Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Death
Simpson, Mrs. Ada May Female William Graham Simpson 1958 89
Simpson, Mrs. Alma Female James Simpson 1971 94
Simpson, Venerable Archdeacon William Male Rector of St. John's Anglican Church, Blackstock. Margaret V. Simpson 1945 72
Sinclair, Mrs. Catherine C. Female John Sinclair 1901 70
Singer, Mrs. Elaine Female Vernon Singer 1972 48
Sisson, Mrs. Margaret Alberta Female W. Jay Sisson 1894 62
Sisson, Mrs. Mary Female Zedekiah Sisson 1874 75
Sitwell, Mrs. Violet L. Jones Female L. H. Sitwell 1950 78
Skelton, Mrs. Isabella Female Oscar Skelton 1956 79
Skinner, Mrs. Elizabeth Female Colin Skinner 1889 55 Cancer
Sleeth, Mrs. Jane Female D Sleeth 1889 69 congestion of lungs
Sloan, Mrs. Caroline Female John Sloan 1958 100
Small, Mrs. Elizabeth Female Benjamin Small 1893 74
Smalt, Mrs. Catherine F. Female John Small 1909 77
Smeltzer, Mrs. Isobel A. Female George F. Smeltzer 1952
Smith, Mrs. Dorothy Female Lawrence Smith 1971 49
Smith, Mrs. Eleanor M. Jackson Female S. K. Smith 1954
Smith, Mrs. Emma Fraser Female R. T. Smith 1956 89
Smith, Mrs. Etta G. Female H. Dixon Smith 1965 86
Smith, Mrs. Geairldaina Martin Female William Smith 1955 80
Smith, Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth Maria Female Goldwin Smith 1909 84 General break-up
Smith, Mrs. Leila Gibson Female George T. Smith 1945
Smith, Mrs. Lena Female Leo Smith 1956
Smith, Mrs. Louise Fletcher Female George E. Smith 1952
Smith, Mrs. Mary Hutton Female Robert C. Smith 1953 94
Smith, Mr. William P. Male Wood-carver Sarah Cline Smith 1918 76 Paralysis
Smith, Mrs. Nancy Elizabeth Female R. G. Smith 1961
Smith, Mrs. Sarah Female Samuel Smith 1956 57
Munro, Mrs. Mary E. Female James W. Smith 1869 32
Smith, Mrs. Female Alex G. Smith 1957
Smith, Mrs. Female Harley Smith 1957 89
Smith, Mrs. Female Joshua Smith
Smith, Mrs. Agnes Wallace Female William H. Smith 1959 103
Smith, Mrs. Alice M. M. Female B. J. Smith 1958 89
Smith, Mrs. Allene Frank Female J. D. Smith 1956 64
Smith, Mrs. Anne Female Richard R. Smith 1955 42
Smith, Mrs. Christina Female James Smith 1916 76 Paralysis
Snider, Mrs. Anna Barbara Female P. R. Snider 1944 56
Snively, Mrs. Female Schuyler Snively 1968 78
Sorley, Mrs. Female W. B. Sorely 1854
Sparrow, Mrs. Muriel Female Eugene E. Sparrow
Spence, Mrs. Emma Female James Spence 1898 72
Spence, Mrs. Nora Female A. G. Allen Spence 1959
Spence, Mrs. Violet E. Female Frank Spence 1952
Spread, Mrs. Annie Female William Spread 1890 72
Squires, Mrs. C. Mary E. Female Walter Joseph Squires 1946
St. Laurent, Mrs. Jeanne Female Louis St. Laurent 1966 78
Stafford, Mrs. Catherine Campbell Female E. A. Stafford 1898 54 Paralysis
Stafford, Rev. Ezra A. Male Methodist Minister Catherine Campbell Stafford 1891 52 Tumour in brain
Stanton, Mrs. Julia Female Robert Stanton 1905 86
