Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sexsort ascending Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Death
Campbell, Mrs. Mary Emily Female John M. Campbell 1954 68
Walker, Mrs. Female Ernest W. Walker 1954 79
Ellis, Mrs. Henrietta Female Chignon manufacturer George Ellis 1880 43 Canadian cholera
Wanless, Mrs. Susan Female John Wanless 1901 74 Pneumonia
Chapman, Mrs. Maria Female G. Chapman 1887 50
Riley, Mrs. Jane Phoebe Female C. E. Riley 1959 75
Adamson, Mrs. Muriel Stevenson Female 1955 70
Galloway, J. Louise Female 1946
Allen, Isabel Female 1965
Lindsay, Mrs. Carrie Female James M. Lindsay 1952 75
Ramsay, Lady Patricia Female 1974 87
Rose, Mrs. Sarah Female 1892 81
Brewing, Mrs. Female Willard Brewing 1958
Atkinson, Miss. Frances Female 1882 16 Typhoid fever
Hammond, Mrs. Muriel Female Hugh Russell Hammond 1965 50
Macdonald, Edith N. Female 1960 84
Matthews, Mrs. Margaret Female 1957
Rice, Mrs. Mary Anastasia Female 1959 62
Ryan, Mrs. Catherine Female James Ryan 1878
Brown, Mrs. Isabella Female George Brown 1901 50
MacLachlan, Miss. Mary Agnes Female 1946
Barrett, Patricia Chown Female 1965
McEachren, Mrs. Margaret C. Female 1919 84
Macrae, Mrs. Rachael Angelique Female James Ansdell Macrae 1946 91
Crawford, Mrs. Anna Beulah Female M. M. Crawford 1956 73
Sherk, Mrs. Female Roy M. Sherk 1957 51
Cruikshank, Olive R. Female 1948
Innes, Mrs. Mary Female 1952 93
Jaffray, Miss. Kate Female 1959 84
Cairns, Mrs. Dorit Female 1965 32
Palmer, Mrs. Female Langford Palmer 1896 89
Duplan, Mrs. Blanche Female Alex Duplan 1965 74
Neill, Col. Agnes C. Female 1950
Williams, Mrs. Female William Williams 1962 87
Latham, Mrs. Elizabeth Female Jacob Latham 1863 77
Kent, Mrs. Ellen Female 1883 31 After confinement
Pierce, Mrs. Edith G. Female Lorne Pierce 1954
Dow, Mrs. Katherine Female James Dow 1954 83
Alexander, Mrs. J. A. Female 1965 51
Clark, Mrs. Female 1872 45
Gaudiche, Mrs. Female Thomas Gaudiche 1957
Kirkham, Gladys Female 1965 47
Robinson, Mrs. Mary Female Slade Robinson 1891 81
Fisher, Mrs. Catherine Female 1912 89 General decay
Lockett, Mrs. Garnett Female 1952 59
Pridham, Mrs. Elizabeth Female 1898 63
Robinson, Mrs. Susanna Female R. A. Robinson 1953 86
Clifton, Mrs. Female Frank Clifton 1959 69
Fisher, Mrs. Mabel Female Randolph Murray Fisher 1965
Fooks, Mrs. Adie L. Female J. W. Fooks 1944
