Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sexsort descending Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Death
Burrows, Mrs. Elizabeth Female A. R. Burrows 1954 91
Yeamans, Mrs. Female David Yeamans 1953 99
Knox, Mrs. Jean Female William Knox 1958 80
Bragg, Mrs. Elizabeth Ethel Female 1958 71
Whitney, Miss. Norah Female 1947
Loscombe, Mrs. Female 1854 Cholera
Caron, Alexis Female 1966 67
Gorman, Mrs. Annabelle Female T. A. Gorman 1960 87
Brunskill, Mrs. Frances Female Thomas Brunskill 1875 45
Grainger, Mrs. Amy Elsie Female William Grainger 1946
MacLean, Mrs. Mary Jane Frances Female Ralph C. MacLean 1958 90
Michener, Mrs. Mary Edith Female Edward Michener 1960 87
Scott, Mrs. Minnie Campbell Female Alexander Scott 1961
St. James, Mother Female 1957
Hutchinson, Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Female 1886 33 Childbirth (one week after)
Hobday, Mrs. Rose Female 1961 80
Trounce, Mrs. Ida Jane Female John Walter Trounce 1955
Mulock, Lady Sarah Ellen Female 1912 62
Parker, Miss. Florence Edythe Female 1954 59
Dwight, Mrs. Ruth Female W. C. Dwight 1963 103
Pearson, Mrs. Kate Female Marmaduke Pearson 1893 78
Walker, Mrs. Sarah Hannah Female Harry Walker 1952
Blais, Jean Female 1966 60
Evans, Mrs. Stella Mae Female A. Gordon Evans 1945
Watt, Mrs. Female Alfred Watt 1948 80
Woodland, Miss. Katie Female 1915 38
Faubert, Claudette Female 1965 23
Fiddick, Mrs. Charlotte Elizabeth Female 1958
Lafleur, Joy Female 1957
Lunde, Laura Hughes Female 1966 80
Carlisle, Mrs. Phyllis Wilson Female F. K. Carlisle 1954
Maw, Miss. Irene McLean Female 1959
Brownlee, Nan Female 1963 61
Burns, Mrs. Female A. Gordon Burns 1955
Chipman, Mrs. Jessie Female John Starr DeWolf C. Chipman 1945 87
Griffin, Ida Emily Female 1948 89
Millichamp, Mrs. Elizabeth Evelyn Female Wallace Millichamp 1918 73
Aikins, Mrs. Louisa Adela Female Aikins 1863 30
Hurley, Mrs. Elizabeth Female Thomas J. Hurley 1946 73
Strachan, Mrs. Mary Female James M. Strachan 1952
Hollinger, Mrs. I. J. Female 1962 83
Pannell, Mrs. Olive Jean Female Raymond E. Pannell 1946
Johnston, Mrs. Mabel A. Female W. R. Johnston 1945
Baker, Emma S. Female 1943 87
Ecker, Margaret Female 1965 50
Lander, Mrs. Florence Vernon Van Camp Female 1958 80
Perry, Mrs. Maggie Female Perry 1885 36
Ker, Mrs. Sheila Female David I. Ker 1966 38
Beattie, Mrs. Female J. Robert Beattie 1960 48
King, Ann Agnes Female 1883 70 Rheumatism and complications
