Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupationsort ascending Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Death
Steele, Mr. R. C. Male Seedsman 1910 67
Rennie, Mr. William Male Seedman 1910 76
Stotesbury, Mr. Charles Male Secretary, Water Company; Soap and Candle Manufacturer 1878 85 Old age
Thompson, Mr. Matthew M. Male Secretary, Water Co. and Gas Co. 1902 59 Pneumonia
Moffatt, Rev. Robert C. Male Secretary, Upper Canada Tract Society 1905 73 Stomach trouble.
Pyper, Mr. William Male Secretary, Union Building Society 1869 44 Effects of accident
Dwight, Mr. Charles P. Male Secretary, Telegraph Co. 1901 29 Pneumonia
Edwards, Mr. William Male Secretary, Public Works Department, Ontario 1904 86 Paralysis
Davy, Mr. James Male Secretary, Public Library 1898 72 Paralysis
Hamilton, Mr. Thomas Male Secretary, Northern Railway 1876 72
Esten, Mr. James H. Male Secretary, Law Society 1892 59
Allen, Rev. James Male Secretary, Home Mission, Methodist Church 1918 74 Apoplexy
Kennedy, Rev. T. S. Male Secretary, Church Society 1863 51 Smallpox
Robertson, Mr. Thomas E. Male Secretary, Chester Massey 1919 53
McMaster, Mr. R. S. F. Male Secretary, Burial Trusts 1915 68
Bilton, Mr. Norman Creighton Male Secretary Treasurer, Bilton Bros. 1919 30 Pneumonia
Chew, Mr. John Male Secretary to the Superintendent of Indians 1806
Sutherland, Rev. Dr. A. Male Secretary of Methodist Missionary Society 1910 77 Pneumo Thorax
Worts, Mr. James Gooderham Male Secretary 1884 31 Inflammation of kidneys
Mason, Miss. Catherine Female Seamstress 1889 33 Consumption
Carmichael, Martha Female Seamstress 1875 70
Trevail, Miss. Nellie Female Seamstress 1879 26 Consumption
Haker, Mary Jane Female Seamstress 1877 72 Typhoid fever
Harvey, Rachel Female Seamstress 1910 40 Consumption
Ormerod, Mr. Charles Male Scripture reader, Society for Promotion of Christian Knowledge 1861 35
Lowe, Prof. T. S. C. Male Scientist and inventor 1913 80 Jaundice, immediate cause a fall
Tory, Dr. Henry Marshall Male Scientist 1947 83
Tory, Dr. Henry Marshall Male Scientist 1947 83
Magill, Mr. William Male Schoolmaster 1899 76
Heffernan, Mr. D. Male Schoolmaster 1856 59
Franck, Rev. John Male Schoolmaster 1868 43 Inflammatory rheumatism
McHardy, Mr. Norman Male Schoolmaster 1871 26
Mair, Mr. James [or John] R. Male Schoolmaster 1865 55 Dysentery
Andrews, Mr. Albert Male School-teacher, etc. 1895 57 Peritonitis after operation in Toronto
Hutcheson, Emily Female School-teacher 1861 38 Consumption and dropsy
Bryer, Catherine Female School teacher 1857 Killed New York Central R. R., near Syracuse
O'Flaherty, Mrs. Jane Female School teacher Morgan O'Flaherty 1895 87
Pearson, Mrs. Henrietta Female School teacher 1866 30 Drowned on ship off San Francisco
Richardson, Mrs. Mary Matheson Female School teacher J. Richardon 1907 82
Tamblyn, Rev. John R. Male School teacher 1870 28 Consumption
Reece, Mrs. Ellen Elizabeth Female School prinicpal Ben Reece 1944
Worden, Mr. Ernest H. Male School principal 1964 70
Wright, Dean Cecil Augustus Male Scholar and teacher Marie Wright 1967 62
Woodley, Mr. Edward Carruthers Male Scholar and historian 1955 76
Woodhouse, Prof. Arthur Sutherland Pigott Male Scholar 1964 69
Wilson, Mr. Christopher Male Scalemaker 1890 71 Heart disease
Rutledge, Mr. H. J. Male Samuel's Hardware, Toronto 1902 62 Paralysis
Mercer, Mr. John Male Saloon-keeper 1870 40 Drink
Smith, Mr. John Male Saloon-keeper 1871 48 Bronchitis and rheumatism
Gregor, Mr. Joseph Male Saloon-keeper 1867 30 Consumption, liver complaint
