Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Deathsort descending Cause of Death
Kendall, Mr. Newton Male 1952
Lee, Mrs. Mary Gertrude Female W. T.J. Lee 1955
Davidson, Mr. Herbert G. Male 1946
Weatherbee, Mrs. Female Albert E. Weatherbee 1956
Woods, Mr. William M. Male
Wyse, Mr. John Francis Henry Male 1935
Laidlaw, Mrs. Bertha Fredericka Female John Laidlaw 1947
Forsyth, Lt. Thomas Male Late Lieutenant in H. M. 32nd Foot 1843
Reid, Mr. Vincent de Paul Male 1956
Fraser, Hon. James Male 1884
Clarke, Mr. Hugh Male 1847
McFarlane, Rev. H. N. Male 1955
McFarquhar, Mr. James Male 1944
Hickey, Mr. Elsie Male 1947
Boreham, Mrs. Margaret Female Ernest E. Boreham 1955
Morrow, Mr. George K. Male 1941
Holmes, Mr. Richard Male Farmer 1853
Counsell, Mr. John Leitch Male 1940
Hoult, Mr. John Male 1944
Thomas, Isabel M. Female 1953
Cuthbert, Mr. James S. Male 1946
Kerr, Judge Stanley C. S. Male 1953
O'Meara, Dean Male 1901
Farrow, Flying Officer Kenneth Douglas Male 1945
Wells, Mr. Arthur Male Georgina Wells
Rodier, Hon. Charles Seraphin Male 1876
Gilchrist, Dr. Archibald J. Male 1959
Loney, Mr. Clifford J. Male 1966
Lugsdin, Mrs. Agnes Kathrina Female William Horace Lugsdin 1959
MacLachlan, Miss. May Agnes Female 1946
Bird, Mr. James Male 1856
McIlveen, Mr. W. E. Male 1947
Mitchell, Mr. William R. Male 1959
Connor, Mr. Denis Campbell Male 1971
Sherlock, Mr. John McGill Male 1954
Ambery, Rev. John Male Classical Professor 1878
Hall, Rev. John Male 1954
Bookless, Mr. John Male 1952
Anthes, Mr. Lawrence Lee Male 1954
Cottle, Mr. Frederick George Male 1959
Sutherland, Dr. Joseph Gordon Male 1944
Hudson, Mr. Robert Spear Male 1957
Williams, Mrs. Alma Female R. S. Williams 1956
Walter, Mr. Arnold Maria Male 1973
Kent, Mrs. M. Lucy Female Thomas Palmer Kent
Bull, Mrs. Female H. B. Bull 1855
Kilpatrick, Elizabeth Margaret Ritchie Female 1960
Porteous, Mr. William Male Postmaster of Montreal 1855
Robertson, Lt.-Col. Donald M. Male 1938
Kirkland, Dr. William S. Male 1951
