Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Deathsort descending Age at Death Cause of Death
Switzer, Miss. Eliza Female 1891 46 Bright's disease
Scott, Mrs. Mary B. Female 1891 75 Pleurisy
Scott, Rev. William Male Ex-Methodist Minister 1891 79 Heart failure
Stafford, Rev. Dr. Male Methodist Minister 1891
Stafford, Rev. Ezra A. Male Methodist Minister Catherine Campbell Stafford 1891 52 Tumour in brain
Stowe, Mr. John Male Dentist 1891 60
Stitt, Mr. James Male Ex-high constable and landing waiter 1891 86
Smith, Miss. Annie Female 1891 50 Consumption
Stibbs, Mr. James Male House agent 1892 80
Scadding, Mr. Charles Male Senior manager at Savings Bank 1892 83
Storm, Mr. W. G. Male Architect 1892 66 Apoplexy
Spence, Mr. Jacob Male Agent 1892 78 General break-up
Sherwood, Mr. William Male 1892
Shortiss, Mr. Edward Male Ex-Building Society Manager 1892 69
Strange, Mr. George W. Male 1892 43
Shortiss, Mr. Edward Male Ex-Manager Building Society 1892 87
Sears, Mr. Robert Male Retired 1892 81 Senile decay
Scarth, Rev. James Male Methodist Minister 1892 76 Paralysis
Smith, Mr. James E. Male Ex-Grocer, Alderman, Mayor, Collector of Customs 1892 60 Paralysis
Suckling, Mrs. Mary Jane Female Suckling 1893 36 Result of miscarriage
Snarr, Mr. Thomas Male Builder and contractor 1893 77
Snelling, Mr. Robert Male Barrister 1893 59 Dropsy
Small, Mrs. Elizabeth Female Benjamin Small 1893 74
Savage, Rev. David Male Methodist Minister 1893 63
Stupart, Capt. R. D. Male 1893 78
Simpson, Mr. George Male Ex. Grocer, commercial traveller 1893 76
Silvester, Rev. Charles Male Superintendent and Methodist minister 1893 80 General break-up
Sampson, Mr. W. A. Male Accountant and auditor 1893 56 Paralysis
Shaunessey, Mr. John Male Ex-Saloon keeper 1893 57 Pneumonia
Shapter, Mr. John T. Male Druggist 1894 71
Smith, Mr. John B. Male Ex-lumber merchant 1894 75
Stiniss, Mr. Samuel G. Male Superintendent Gas Company 1894 64
Sleeth, Mr. David Male Ex-printer, tavernkeeper 1894 79
Stinson, Mrs. Hannah Day Female Stinson 1894 90
Steward, Mr. William Male Druggist 1894 50 Diabetes
Sisson, Mrs. Margaret Alberta Female W. Jay Sisson 1894 62
Samuel, Mr. Emanuel Male Hardware and metal merchant 1895 43 Accident
Smith, Mr. Alexander M. Male Wholesale grocer 1895 76 Anemia
Schmithum, Mr. Theodore Male Chemist 1895
Slatter, Mr. Philip J Male Ticket agent [at?] G. J. (Roy?) 1895 45
Scales, Mr. Joab Male Tobacco factory 1895 76
Severs, Mr. St. John Male Bailiff 1895 50 Appendicitis
Sproatt, Mr. Charles Male Ex-Toronto City Engineer 1895 59 General break-up
Shaw, Mr. W. J. Male Grocer 1895 57
Shaw, Rev. John Male Methodist Minister 1895 65 Diabetes, brought on by bicycle accident
Shaw, Rev. John Male 1895 unknown
Sutherland, Rev. D. G. Male Methodist 1895 55 General break-up
St. George, Mr. H. Quetten Male Ex-wine merchant 1896 75
Strathy, Mrs. Mary C. Female D. N. W. Strathy 1896 63
Score, Mr. Richard Male Tailor 1896 88 Old age
