Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sexsort ascending Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Death
Scythes, Mrs. Armada Female John Ardagh Scythes 1959
Smeltzer, Mrs. Isobel A. Female George F. Smeltzer 1952
St. Bede, Sister Mary Female 1953 59
Senior, Mrs. Alice Maud Female William Carter Senior 1955 91
Smythe, Mrs. Conn Female 1965 68
Smith, Mrs. Mary Hutton Female Robert C. Smith 1953 94
Strange, Mrs. Female J. M. Strange 1860 46
Seaborn, Miss. Elizabeth Mary Anne Female 1954 93
Shuttleworth, Mrs. Edith G. Female John Kenyon Shuttleworth 1954
Skaith, Mrs. Dorothy Munger Female 1963 52
Stow, Mrs. Ann Female 1864 82 Old age
Scadding, Annie Thorsby Female 1962 84
Shirra, Mrs. Frances Harriet Female William Shirra 1955
Small Boy, Mrs. Isobell Female 1976 111
Simkins, Mrs. Sarah Female 1873 49
Smith, Mrs. Nancy Elizabeth Female R. G. Smith 1961
Stewart, Mrs. Female Douglas Stewart 1957
Samuel, Mrs. Female L. Samuel 1904 78
Strangways, Mrs. Ruby Mary Female B. R. Strangways 1952
Sutherland, Mrs. Female A. Sutherland 1917 80
Shaver, Mrs. G. Floy Female Charles A. Shaver 1948 66
Stowe, Dr. Emily F. Female Physician 1903 72
Shannon, Mrs. Belva Shepherd Female Shannon 1955
Steele, Mrs. Female Alfred Steele 1962 74
Smith, Mrs. Sarah Female Samuel Smith 1956 57
Stewart, Mrs. Female Robert B. Stewart 1956 58
Sutherland, Mrs. A. Female 1865 24 Connected with confinement
Scott, Mrs. Female John Scott 1942 87
Shannon, Mrs. Catharine Mary Female Lewis W. Shannon 1947
Small, Miss. Florence Female 1953
Steele, Mrs. Irene Wilson Female R. Clarke Steele 1954
Stitch, Mrs. Wilhelmina Female 1936
Stringer, Mrs. Hannah Jane Female John Stringer 1944
Scobie, Mrs. Justina L. Female Hugh Scobie 1884 77
Sedgwick, Miss. Emma Irene Female 1975
Smith, Mrs. Sarah Jane Female 1946
Starr, Mrs. Anne Callander Female Frederic Newton Gisborne Starr 1959
Stewart, Mrs. Ellen Robertson Female Theo J. Stewart 1954 65
Strasberg, Mrs. Paulina Female Lee Strasberg 1966 55
Sutherland, Mrs. Anna M. Female Sutherland 1952 104
Smith, Mrs. Female 1919 63
Stevens, Mrs. Mary Frances Female Alfred E. Stevens 1955 67
Summerville, Mrs. Female Albert Sean Summerville 1959 81
Scott, Mrs. Edna Rose Female R. J. Scott 1960 52
Steele, Mrs. Maria Female John Steele 1872 40 Apoplexy
Stitt, Miss. Lenore Female 1956 67
Stringer, Mrs. Sarah Female T. O. Stringer 1955 85
Stewart, Mrs. Jessie M. Female John Alexander Stewart 1956 87
Sutherland, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Female Sutherland 1896 48
Smith, Mrs. Female Alex G. Smith 1957
