Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Deathsort descending
Stewart, Mr. A. J. Male Ex-mayor of Hamilton 1899 48 Died at Pell River on his way to the Klondike, from hardship.
Smith, Mr. George B. Male Ex-Wholesale dry goods 1917 79 Died from having taken cold in Chicago on his way to Los Angeles
Scott, Edith Female 1903 20 Diptheria
Staunton, Mr. Moses Male Paper manufacturer 1877 68 Disease of throat
Smith, Mr. William Male Late Contractor 1863 50 Dissipation
Smith, Mr. John Male Tavern-keeper, former steward of boat, alderman 1867 55 Dissipation
Stovel, Mr. Joseph Male Merchant Tailor 1876 61 Dropsy
Sellars, Mr. Thomas Male Publisher 1867 39 Dropsy
Seagram, Mr. Fred. K. Male Lived on his means 1883 70 Dropsy
Snelling, Mr. Robert Male Barrister 1893 59 Dropsy
Salsbury, Mrs. Rhoda Female 1881 40 Dropsy, confinement
Sanford, Hon. W. E. Male Senator, wholesale clothier 1899 61 Drowned
Sankey, Mr. William Male Surveyor, G. J. Pacific 1905 53 Drowned
Sleeth, Sarah Louisa Female 1865 13 dysentery
Smith, Mr. James Male Late Deputy Harbourmaster 1873 35 Effects of dissipation
Small, Mr. George Berkeley Male 1869 33 Effects of dissipation.
Spencer, Rev. James Male Weslyan Minister 1863 44 Erisypelas
Szemso, Miss. Erika Mary Female 1952 26 Fire accident
Shepley, Mr. George Ferguson Male Barrister 1916 63 Gangrene
Smith, Jane Female 1908 66 General break-down
Sproatt, Mr. Charles Male Ex-Toronto City Engineer 1895 59 General break-up
Smith, Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth Maria Female Goldwin Smith 1909 84 General break-up
Stow, Mr. F. P. Male Broker 1878 55 General break-up
Silvester, Rev. Charles Male Superintendent and Methodist minister 1893 80 General break-up
Strathcona and Mount Royal, Lord Male Canadian Commissioner To Great Britain 1914 93 General break-up
Sutherland, Rev. D. G. Male Methodist 1895 55 General break-up
Stevens, Mr. Sidney Augustus Male Promoter and agent 1898 66 General break-up
Shuttleworth, Rev. John Male Methodist Minister 1898 82 General break-up
Spence, Mr. Jacob Male Agent 1892 78 General break-up
Sears, Mr. George Edward Male Retired publisher 1916 77 General break-up
Shaw, Mr. John Male Clerk Co. Court 1917 80 General break-up
Stanway, Mr. George Male Commission merchant 1913 66 General break-up and heart trouble
Sherwood, Mr. Samuel Male City registrar 1867 48 General breaking-up
Skinner, Mr. Rufus Male Grocer 1907 83 General breakup
Smallpiece, Mr. Henry William Male Late P.O. Inspection Department 1918 94 General decay
Strange, Dr. F. W. Male Physician 1897 52 Haemorrhage of brain
Spencer, Mr. Theodore H. Male Barrister 1881 46 Haemorrhage of lungs
Sterling, Mrs. Susannah Emms Female Walter Sterling 1908 56 Heart apoplexy
Stark, Mr. John Male Broker 1912 76 Heart Disease
Sinclair, Mr. John Male Crockery merchant 1890 61 Heart disease
Shanly, Mr. Francis Male Civil Engineer 1882 61 Heart disease
Simpson, Mr. Robert Male Departmental Store 1897 63 Heart Disease
Stock, Mr. James Male Merchant 1871 53 Heart disease
Scales, Mr. Alexander Male Housekeeper 1863 38 Heart disease
Stimson, Mr. George A. Male Bond broker 1919 62 Heart disease
Smith, Mr. William Henry Male Local Manager Ontario Bank 1907 63 Heart failure
Stone, Rev. S. G. Male Methodist Minister 1905 68 Heart failure
Sinclair, Mr. William Male Foreman, Gas Company 1908 59 Heart failure
Scott, Rev. William Male Ex-Methodist Minister 1891 79 Heart failure
Steiner, Mr. Newman L. Male Ex-Alderman and marble cutter 1903 73 Heart failure
