Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Deathsort descending Age at Death Cause of Death
Strachan, Bishop John Male Bishop of Toronto 1867 89 Old age
Smith, Mr. John Male Tavern-keeper, former steward of boat, alderman 1867 55 Dissipation
Sherwood, Mr. Samuel Male City registrar 1867 48 General breaking-up
Short, Mr. William Male Tavern keeper 1867 42 Inflammation of lungs
Stayner, Mrs. Female J. A. Stayner 1867 68
Sawdon, Mr. George Male Collector 1868 68
Strange, Mr. John Maxwell Male Farmer 1868 22 Consumption
Spence, Hon. R. Male Collector of customs 1868 57 Abscess in lungs, asthma
Spence, Hon. Robert Male 1868 57
Squire, Mr. W. W. Male Doctor 1868 32 Cold caught by falling into river
Sessions, Mr. Jared D. Male Manufacturer 1868 50
Stikeman, Mr. John C. Male Agent 1868 47
Sullivan, Mr. Augustus B. Male Clerk 1868 55
Stayner, Mr. Thomas A. Male Formerly Deputy Postmaster General 1868 79
Shaw, Mrs. Female W. J. Shaw 1869 35 After confinement
Sampson, Mr. D. A. Male Barrister 1869 35 Consumption
Sharpe, Mr. William Male Shoemaker 1869 74
Smith, Mrs. Lizzie Female 1869 25 Intermittent fever
Small, Hon. J. E. Male Judge County Court 1869 67
Small, Mr. George Berkeley Male 1869 33 Effects of dissipation.
Stimson, Dr. Elam Male 1869 76
Sullivan, Mr. R. Male Barrister 1870 32 Consumption
Spencer, Mrs. Elizabeth Female Monthly nurse 1870 83
Smith, Mr. James F. Male Retired merchant and bank director 1870 72 Rupture
Strachan, Capt. James M. Male Gentleman 1870 61 Complications of disorders
Shannon, Mr. William Male Appointed deputy postmaster of Kingston 1870
Scollard, Mr. Maurice Male Formerly clerk, Bank of Upper Canada 1870 90
Sutton, Hon. Richard Male 1870
Strachan, Mr. James McGill Male 1870 62
Shapter, Mrs. Female J. T. Shapter 1870 45 Consumption
Scott, Mr. Thomas Male 1870
Sutherland, Mr. Willie Male 1871 9 Inflammatory croup
Steele, Mr. John Male Grocer 1871 48 Insanity caused by brain fever
Shutesmith, Mr. John Male Barrister 1871 58
Smith, Mr. John Male Saloon-keeper 1871 48 Bronchitis and rheumatism
Stock, Mr. James Male Merchant 1871 53 Heart disease
Storm, Mr. Thomas Male Builder 1871 70 Apoplexy
Smith, Mr. Charles Frederick Male 1871 38
Salt, Mrs. Jane Female 1871 55
Steele, Mrs. Maria Female John Steele 1872 40 Apoplexy
Smith, Mr. James Male Late Deputy Harbourmaster 1873 35 Effects of dissipation
Simkins, Mrs. Sarah Female 1873 49
Stanton, Mr. William Male Formerly Assistant Comissary General 1873 74
Sterling, Mr. John Male Leather dealer 1873 70 Softening of the brain
Sisson, Mrs. Mary Female Zedekiah Sisson 1874 75
Sullivan, Miss. Katie Female 1874 14
Shaw, Mr. John Male Formerly Wholesale merchant 1874 63
Sproat, Mr. Henry Male Retired ginger beer manufacturer 1874
Stewart, Mr. William Male Late saddler, clerk 1875 53 Brain affection
Sawdon, Mr. George Male Tinsmith 1875 32
