Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Deathsort descending Age at Death Cause of Death
Score, Mr. Richard Male Tailor 1896 88 Old age
Scott, Mr. James Male Dry goods merchant 1896 71 Suicide
Sutherland, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Female Sutherland 1896 48
Stowe, Mrs. Harriet Beecher Female 1896 84 Paralysis
Sinclair, Mr. Francis G. Male Grocer 1896 65
Simpson, Mr. Robert Male Departmental Store 1897 63 Heart Disease
Spence, Mr. James Male Gas-fitter, Consumer's Gas Company 1897 38 Consumption
Shaw, Miss. Lulu Female 1897 26
Stokes, Rev. Elwood Male Methodist Minister 1897 82
Strange, Dr. F. W. Male Physician 1897 52 Haemorrhage of brain
Savage, Rev. J. W. Male Methodist Minister 1897 68
Stirling, Mr. John Robert Male Machinist 1897 63
Spry, Mr. Daniel Male Post Office Inspector 1897 61 Bright's disease
Sutherland, Mrs. Sarah Female Sutherland 1897 30 Cancer
Stevens, Mr. Sidney Augustus Male Promoter and agent 1898 66 General break-up
Shuttleworth, Rev. John Male Methodist Minister 1898 82 General break-up
Sanson, Mrs. Eliza Anderson Female Sanson 1898 67
Spence, Mrs. Emma Female James Spence 1898 72
Savage, Mrs. Eliza Hamilton Female William Savage 1898 66
Stafford, Mrs. Catherine Campbell Female E. A. Stafford 1898 54 Paralysis
Sanderson, Rev. G. R. Male Methodist minister, ex-book steward 1898 82 Paralysis
Simpson, Mr. James Male Knitting mills 1898 73
Stewart, Mr. A. J. Male Ex-mayor of Hamilton 1899 48 Died at Pell River on his way to the Klondike, from hardship.
Sanford, Hon. W. E. Male Senator, wholesale clothier 1899 61 Drowned
Sullivan, Bishop Edward Male Rector St. James' Cathedral 1899 66 Kidney trouble
Small, Mr. Charles C. Male Ex-Alderman 1899 66 Cancer
Spratt, Mr. Robert Male Formerly grain dealer 1899 78
Shewan, Mr. Magnus Male Ex-bookseller 1899 85 Old age
Sparling, Mrs. Mary Jane Female 1899 48 Bronchitis
Shaw, Mr. Samuel Male Agent 1899 69 Asthma
Sweeney, Prof. John R. Male Musician 1899 62
Sheppard, Mr. William Male Ex-Alderman 1899 88
Smith, Mary Female 1899 50 Typhoid fever
Stalker, Mr. John Male Retired dry goods 1899 75
Smith, Mr. James Dickson Male Ex-Dry goods 1900 64
Samson, Mr. Thomas Male Pedlar 1900 56
Strachan, Mrs. Augusta Ann Female J. M. Strachan 1900 77
Stinson, Mr. G. H. Male Land agent 1900 46 Spleen
Sweetnam, Dr. Leslie M. Male Physician 1901 42 Blood poisoning
Smith, Mr. Patrick Male Lamp lighter 1901 84 Old age
Sweetnam, Mr. Matthew Male Chief Post Office Inspector 1901 69 Paralysis
Sinclair, Mrs. Catherine C. Female John Sinclair 1901 70
Scadding, Rev. H Male Reverend, Church of England 1901 87 Old age
Swan, Mr. Robert Male Grocer 1901 70 Pneumonia
Smith, Sir Frank Male Ex-wholesale grocer 1901 78 Rheumatism and general break-up
Sterling, Mrs. Ann Female John Sterling 1901 92
Smart, Mr. John Male President, [Port Hope] Gas Company 1901 75
Sweetman, Dr. Leslie Male 1901 Blood poisoning
Swann, Miss. Janet Female 1902 69
Staunton, Mr. Moses Male Wall paper manufacturer 1902 63
