Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sexsort ascending Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Death
Sanderson, Miss. Ethelena Female 1946
Smith, Mrs. Anne Female Richard R. Smith 1955 42
Sparling, Miss. Elizabeth M. Female 1888 36 Consumption
Stevenson, Mrs. Celestia Elizabeth Female George Stevenson 1949
Salmon, Mrs. Jessie Female J. C. Salmon 1905 85
Sharkey, Mrs. Carrie Gray Female James L. Sharkey 1946
St. Margaret Kelly, Sister Female 1972 80
Sleeth, Sarah Louisa Female 1865 13 dysentery
Spence, Mrs. Violet E. Female Frank Spence 1952
Scholes, Mrs. Maude Louise Female John Lewis 1954
Sifton, Mrs. Doris Female Clifford Sifton 1961 65
Smith, Mrs. Christina Female James Smith 1916 76 Paralysis
Salsberg, Mrs. Dora Wilenksy Female J. B. Salsberg 1959
Simpson-Hayes, Mrs. Catherine Female 1945 88
Segsworth, Mrs. Mary Female Segsworth 1886 70
Sigsworth, Mrs. Agnes Maude Female Oscar Sigsworth 1964 83
Smith, Mrs. Dorothy Female Lawrence Smith 1971 49
Stanton, Mrs. Julia Female Robert Stanton 1905 86
Salsbury, Mrs. Rhoda Female 1881 40 Dropsy, confinement
Stinson, Mrs. Christianna Female Edward J. Stinson 1955 88
Small, Mrs. Elizabeth Female Benjamin Small 1893 74
Shenstone, Mrs. Mary Smart Female Joseph N. Shenstone 1945 88
Simpson, Lady Female 1853 40
Sullivan, Mrs. Jackie P. Female Sullivan 1957 78
Smith, Mrs. Eleanor M. Jackson Female S. K. Smith 1954
Sykes, Mrs. Female A former president of the Ottawa branch of the Canadian Women's Press Club. Alfred Sykes 1960 63
Steward, Miss. Ida Mary Female 1953
Salt, Mrs. Jane Female 1871 55
Stinson, Mrs. Elizabeth Female Late dressmaker 1866 76
Savage, Mrs. Female J. L. Savage 1960
Snider, Mrs. Anna Barbara Female P. R. Snider 1944 56
Steiner, Miss. Florence Bertha Female 1946
Seguin, Mrs. Female Alfred H. Seguin 1957
Smith, Mrs. Eliza Female 1863 50
Sparling, Mrs. Mary Jane Female 1899 48 Bronchitis
Steward, Miss. Isabella Female 1910 51 Bright's disease
Singer, Mrs. Elaine Female Vernon Singer 1972 48
Stinson, Mrs. Hannah Day Female Stinson 1894 90
Stribbard, Mrs. Female Arthur Stribbard 1954
Savage, Mrs. Eliza Hamilton Female William Savage 1898 66
Skinner, Miss. Hilda Female 1946
Smith, Mrs. Ellen Gertrude Female 1970 80
Sharp, Mrs. Evelyn Female Henry Nevinson Sharp 1955 85
Summerfeldt, Mrs. Jennie Frances Female William H. C. Summerfeldt 1954 83
Stayner, Mrs. Female J. A. Stayner 1867 68
Schreiber, Mrs. Mabel Clare Female Lefroy Schreiber 1959 77
Silcox, Mrs. Ethel Audrey Female Claris Edwin Silcox 1944 54
Skinner, Miss. May Hurd Female 1954
Smith, Mrs. Emma Fraser Female R. T. Smith 1956 89
Sparrow, Mrs. Muriel Female Eugene E. Sparrow
