Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupationsort ascending Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Death
Smith, Mr. George Male Woollen mills 1909 77
Smith, Mr. William P. Male Wood-carver Sarah Cline Smith 1918 76 Paralysis
Smith, Mr. John Male Wholesale grocer 1881 65 Killed by street cars on Church Street
Smith, Mr. Alexander M. Male Wholesale grocer 1895 76 Anemia
Spencer, Rev. James Male Weslyan Minister 1863 44 Erisypelas
Stinson, Rev. Dr. Male Wesleyan Methodist Minister, ex-President of Conference 1862 60 Tumour
Staunton, Mr. Moses Male Wall paper manufacturer 1902 63
Smith, Dr. Andrew Male Veterinary surgeon 1910 77 Blood poisoning
Sharp, Mr. Luke Male Undertaker 1875 34 Typhoid fever
Stone, Mr. Henry Male Undertaker 1890 59
Scales, Mr. Joab Male Tobacco factory 1895 76
Sawdon, Mr. George Male Tinsmith 1875 32
Shipway, Mr. Charles R. Male Tinsmith 1905 73
Scheibe, Mr. Charles F. Male Timetaker, Consumers' Gas Company 1884 51 Consumption
Slatter, Mr. Philip J Male Ticket agent [at?] G. J. (Roy?) 1895 45
Sparling, Mr. George B. Male Teacher, Upper Canada College 1903 54 Syncope of heart; heart disease
Smith, Mr. John Male Tavern-keeper, former steward of boat, alderman 1867 55 Dissipation
Short, Mr. Bernard Male Tavern keeper 1865 56
Short, Mr. William Male Tavern keeper 1867 42 Inflammation of lungs
Stokes, Mr. Samuel Male Tank excavator 1908 55 Consumption
Score, Mr. Richard Male Tailor 1896 88 Old age
Stubbs, Mr. Frank Male Tailor 1903 59
Sankey, Mr. William Male Surveyor, G. J. Pacific 1905 53 Drowned
Scott, Mr. Thomas C. Male Surveyor of Customs 1876 70 Pleurisy
Strong, Sir S. H. Male Supreme Court 1909 84
Stevens, Mr. Henry Male Superintendent of Street Mains, Gas Company 1876 28 Inflammation of brain
Stiniss, Mr. Samuel G. Male Superintendent Gas Company 1894 64
Silvester, Rev. Charles Male Superintendent and Methodist minister 1893 80 General break-up
Shewan, Mr. Magnus Male Stationer 1910 57
Standish, Mr. Ira Male Solicitor 1913 48 Diabetes
Sharpe, Mr. William Male Shoemaker 1869 74
Spring, Mr. Henry Male Shoemaker 1861 62 Paralysis
Spurgeon, Mr. John Male Shoemaker 1885 55
Sterling, Mr. George Male Shoemaker 1864 87
Shaver, Mr. Eli B. Male Shoe store 1911 82 Paralysis
Stewart, Miss. Jane Female Servant 1878 28 Paralysis
Stewart, Miss. Margaret Female Servant 1877 28
Scadding, Mr. Charles Male Senior manager at Savings Bank 1892 83
Sanford, Hon. W. E. Male Senator, wholesale clothier 1899 61 Drowned
Simmers, Mr. Joseph A. Male Seedsman, German Consul 1883 56 Inflammation of lungs
Steele, Mr. R. C. Male Seedsman 1910 67
Stotesbury, Mr. Charles Male Secretary, Water Company; Soap and Candle Manufacturer 1878 85 Old age
Sutherland, Rev. Dr. A. Male Secretary of Methodist Missionary Society 1910 77 Pneumo Thorax
Smith, Mr. John Male Saloon-keeper 1871 48 Bronchitis and rheumatism
Strange, Mr. James M. Male Sale auctioneer 1854
Scadding, Rev. H Male Reverend, Church of England 1901 87 Old age
Smith, Mr. John J. Male Retired tavern-keeper 1877 72 Softening of brain
Sweny, Col. George Augustus Male Retired Royal Fusiliers 1918 80
Sears, Mr. George Edward Male Retired publisher 1916 77 General break-up
Smith, Mr. James F. Male Retired merchant and bank director 1870 72 Rupture
