Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupationsort descending Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Death
Sterling, Mr. Sidney Male Council Bluffs 1883 36
Sinclair, Mr. John Male Crockery merchant 1890 61 Heart disease
Somerville, Mr. A. J. Male Dealer in metals and plumbers' supplies 1915 71
Sturges, Dr. Wesley A. Male Dean of the University of Miami Law School and former dean of the Yale Law School. 69
Stowe, Mr. John Male Dentist 1891 60
Snider, Mr. Martin E. Male Dentist 1888 43 Tumour
Simpson, Mr. Robert Male Departmental Store 1897 63 Heart Disease
Stanton, Mr. William Male Deputy Assistant Comissary General 1833 77
Stark, Mr. William Male Deputy Chief of Police 1915 63
Smith, Mr. Henry James Male Deputy Harbour Master 1864 54
Spry, Mr. William Male Doctor 1858 67
Squire, Mr. W. W. Male Doctor 1868 32 Cold caught by falling into river
Steward, Mr. William Male Druggist 1894 50 Diabetes
Shapter, Mr. John T. Male Druggist 1894 71
Skinner, Mr. Alexander Mortimer Smith Male Dry goods clerk 1881 21 Hemorrhage of lungs
Scott, Mr. James Male Dry goods merchant 1896 71 Suicide
Stockwell, Mr. John W. Male Dyer 1912 63
Smith, Mr. Pat W. Male Eating house-keeper 1864 36 Congestion of brain
Smith, Mr. Robert Male Editor and proprietor of "The Hastings Times" 1833
Sawle, Mr. W. T. Male Editor and Proprietor of the Welland Telegraph 1889
Spence, Mr. Francis Stephen Male Editor; Alderman; Controller 1917 66 Pneumonia
Simkins, Mr. Elisha Male Engineer for Gooderham and Worts 1885 65
Small, Mr. Charles C. Male Ex-Alderman 1899 66 Cancer
Sheppard, Mr. William Male Ex-Alderman 1899 88
Steiner, Mr. Newman L. Male Ex-Alderman and marble cutter 1903 73 Heart failure
Shewan, Mr. Magnus Male Ex-bookseller 1899 85 Old age
Shortiss, Mr. Edward Male Ex-Building Society Manager 1892 69
Smith, Mr. James Dickson Male Ex-Dry goods 1900 64
Smith, Mr. John Male Ex-Farmer 1890 79
Smith, Mr. James E. Male Ex-Grocer, Alderman, Mayor, Collector of Customs 1892 60 Paralysis
Stitt, Mr. James Male Ex-high constable and landing waiter 1891 86
Smith, Mr. John B. Male Ex-lumber merchant 1894 75
Shortiss, Mr. Edward Male Ex-Manager Building Society 1892 87
Stewart, Mr. A. J. Male Ex-mayor of Hamilton 1899 48 Died at Pell River on his way to the Klondike, from hardship.
Sears, Mr. Edwin Male Ex-merchant 1890 82
Scott, Rev. William Male Ex-Methodist Minister 1891 79 Heart failure
Sleeth, Mr. David Male Ex-printer, tavernkeeper 1894 79
Sylvester, Mr. William Male Ex-reeve York Township 1905 63
Shaunessey, Mr. John Male Ex-Saloon keeper 1893 57 Pneumonia
Spooner, Mr. James Male Ex-tobacconist 1907 84
Sproatt, Mr. Charles Male Ex-Toronto City Engineer 1895 59 General break-up
Smith, Mr. George B. Male Ex-Wholesale dry goods 1917 79 Died from having taken cold in Chicago on his way to Los Angeles
Smith, Sir Frank Male Ex-wholesale grocer 1901 78 Rheumatism and general break-up
St. George, Mr. H. Quetten Male Ex-wine merchant 1896 75
Simpson, Mr. George Male Ex. Grocer, commercial traveller 1893 76
Shaw, Mr. John Male Excise officer 1875 65 Concussion of brain
Strange, Mr. John Maxwell Male Farmer 1868 22 Consumption
Slicer, Mr. Samuel Male Firm of (Ferguson?) & Slicer (Montreal?) 1842
Skinner, Mr. Colin Male Florist 1907 77
Sinclair, Mr. William Male Foreman, Gas Company 1908 59 Heart failure
