Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupationsort descending Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Death
Powell, Mr. Harry Wilbert Male 1962 66
Pearson, Dr. Charles E. Male 1949 76
Pogue, Rev. Robert Male 1938
Patterson, Mr. John Male 1956 84
Pilote, Rev. Francois Male 1886
Purvis, Rt. Hon. Arthur B. Male 1941
Pherrill, Mr. David Thomson Male 1946 81
Primrose, Mr. Robert Alexander Male 1954 59
Parent, Mr. Alphonse-Marie Male 1970 64
Powers, Mr. John Frances Male 1956 61
Pearson, Mr. John A. Male 1940 73
Polson, Mr. Stuart McDowell Male 1960 75
Patterson, Rev. Robert Bunker Male 1959 85
Pirrie, Mr. Alexander Male 1958 52
Parsons, Mrs. Susannah Female 1874 84 Result of an accident
Phillips, Mr. George William Male 1955 76
Printz, Mr. Carl J. Male 1960 100
Parker, Miss. Florence Edythe Female 1954 59
Perrin, Lt. Henry Beresford Male 1945 22
Pratt, Mr. Louis W. Male 1944 67
Packer, Mr. Arthur H. Male 1953 65
Pearson, Mrs. Kate Female Marmaduke Pearson 1893 78
Pope, Senator Rufus Henry Male 1944 86
Paul, Mr. William Male 1947 75
Plaskett, Mr. Thomas Stanley Male 1939 68
Passmore, Mr. Edwin T. Male 1956 74
Phillips, Rev. Thomas Male 1849 68
Proulx, Mr. Edmond Judge Male 1956 81
Parker, Mr. W. J. Male 1971 75
Perry, Mrs. Maggie Female Perry 1885 36
Prescott, Mr. Harold A. Male 1959 65
Paget, Mr. Frederick Henry Male 1944 82
Pedley, Lt.-Col. James Henry Male 1945 53
Porter, Mr. Leonard E. Male 1962 67
Payne, Mr. Cyrus B. Male 1956
Paterson, Mr. Robert Male 1845 30
Phipps, Mr. Geoffrey Edmund Male 1967 63
Pugh, Mrs. Martha Female Pugh 1912 67
Parkhouse, Mr. Ezra Elberton Male 1958 62
Price, Maj.-Gen. C. Basil Male 1975 85
Palmer, Mr. Harland Male 1957 65
Pelz, Mr. Lorne O. Male 1958 65
Potter, Mr. Harry Male 1959 50
Pearce, Mr. Norman C. Male 1967 77
Plourde, Mr. Alfred Male 1965 61
Pierce, Mr. Daniel F. Male 1957 76
Purdy, Mr. Frank Male 1961 54
Parlow, Miss. Kathleen Female 1963 73
Petzschler, Mr. Irmgard Male 1968 56
Price, Mrs. Sarah Female J. Price 1891 77
