Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupationsort descending Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Death
Patterson, Mr. John Male City treasurer 1916 67
Parkinson, Mr. Male Clerk 1875 22 Spinal affection
Peay, Mr. W. A. Male Clerk 1862 40 Consumption
Price, Mr. Richard C. Male Clerk 1872 27 Fistula
Pearson, Mr. R. Male Clerk 1860 65 Paralysis
Paterson, Mr. John Male Clerk 1865 56
Pardy, Mr. William H. Male Clerk 1864 40
Polley, Mr. Charles Male Clerk (?) 1859 21 Consumption
Powell, Mr. Grant Male Clerk of the Legislative Council, and Judge of the Home District Court 1838
Parsons, Mr. Benjamin Male Clerk, Canada Company 1898 73 Bright's disease
Pearson, Mr. Alfred G. Male Clerk, City clerk's 1897 38 Bronchitis
Peterson, Mr. Henry W. Male Co-Attorney 1913 82
Pears, Mr. George Male Coffee roaster and miller 1913 83
Philp, Mr. Richard Male Coffin-maker 1902 69 Heart disease
Patton, Hon. James Male Collector of customs 1888 60 Heart disease
Parker, Mr. Richard Male Collector of customs 1866 69 Effects of cold
Preston, Mr. Duncan Male Commercial traveller 1904 40 Pneumonia
Pocknell, Mr. R. T. Male Confectioner 1875 42 Inflammation of lungs
Price, Mr. John Male Connected with Grand Trunk Railway 1913 89
Prince, Capt. W. S. Male County Registrar 1881 60
Patton, Mr. James Male Crockery merchant 1872 76
Poole, Mr. Arthur Male Dealer in law books 1915 57
Page, Mr. George Shepard Male Distiller of ammonia, etc. 1892 52 Heart failure from La Grippe
Paull, Dr. Frank Male Doctor 1863 31 Accumulation of matter between ear and brain, effect of cold
Palmer, Martha Female Domestic servant 1897 30 Consumption
Purvis, Miss. Eppie Female Domestic servant 1872 77
Patrick, Mr. Thomas C. Male Druggest, etc. 1860 38 Fever
Perryman, Mr. Edward Male Dry goods 1910 81
Pitt, Mr. James Male Dry goods clerk 1862 55 Dissipation
Punshon, Mr. William Morley Male Emmanuel, Methodist Minister 1881 57 Inflammation of lungs
Pearson, Mr. Arthur Male Estate agent 1915 53 Hardening of arteries
Pearson, Mr. Charles Male Estate agent 1916 67 Ptomaine poisoning
Pearson, Mr. John F. Male Estate agent 1892 48 Heart disease
Pellatt, Mr. Henry Male Ex-Broker 1909 79 Had been paralysed
Pullen, Mr. Joseph Male Ex-city bellman 1895 82 Effects of La Grippe
Pearson, Mr. Marmaduke Male Ex-Dry goods 1897 82 La Grippe
Paterson, Mr. Thomas Male Ex-dry goods merchant 1912 97 Old age
Patrick, Mr. Alfred Male Ex-librarian, Library 1892 80 Result of fall
Phipps, Mr. John W. Male Ex-painter 1895 76
Platt, Mr. John Male Ex-Tavern keeper 1891 76
Perkins, Mr. Frederick K. Male Ex-wholesale grocer 1892 80
Parsons, Mr. William Male Farmer 1862 78 General breaking up
Pape, Mr. Joseph Male Florist 1889 78
Pearson, Mr. John E. Male Foreman bindery, Methodist Book Room 1892 66
Paterson, Mr. Peter Male Former hardware merchant 1908 74 General break-up
Patrick, Mr. Alex R. Male Former Superintendent of Gas works 1903 83 Apoplexy
Patrick, Mr. Alfred Male Formerly clerk of the ----- 1892 81
Playter, Mr. John Male Formerly farmer 1890 81
Perkins, Mr. Josiah Male Formerly general storekeeper 1896 72
Paterson, Mr. James Male Formerly of Thomas May and Company, Fancy Goods 1913 74 Heart failure
