Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Deathsort descending
Philpott, Mrs. Jessie Stuart Female Peter W. Philpott 1955 90
Pollock, Dr. Frederick R. Male 1961 75
Preston, Mrs. Female Robert Preston 1962 101
Pyke, Hon. George Male Judge 1851 76
Parker, Sir Melville Male 1903
Patterson, Mr. William Arthur Male 1965 75
Paull, Dr. Frank Male Doctor 1863 31 Accumulation of matter between ear and brain, effect of cold
Paterson, Mrs. Bella Female James Paterson 1892 32 After confinement
Patrick, Mr. Alex R. Male Former Superintendent of Gas works 1903 83 Apoplexy
Patrick, Mr. Edwin Male Lawyer 1854 28 Apoplexy
Proctor, Mr. J. A. Male Assessment Commissioner for Toronto 1907 67 Bright's disease
Parsons, Mr. Benjamin Male Clerk, Canada Company 1898 73 Bright's disease
Potts, Rev. John Male Superintendent of Education, Methodist Church 1907 69 Bright's disease
Pearson, Mr. Alfred G. Male Clerk, City clerk's 1897 38 Bronchitis
Philpott, Mr. E. G. Male Lawyer 1859 40 Burst blood-vessel
Pearson, Mrs. Sadie Female Arthur Pearson 1905 47 Cancer
Peard, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Female 1884 43 Cancer
Pearson (?), Mr. William Male Tailor 1891 75 Cancer in throat
Punshon, Mrs. Female W. M. Punshon 1870 37 Childbirth
Patrick, Mr. Robert Male Meter repairer, Gas Co. 1882 40 Congestion of lungs
Parker, Sir Henry Male 1877 Congestion of the lungs
Pearse, Mr. W. M. Male Marble-cutter 1871 31 Consumption
Primrose, Mr. James Male 1864 36 Consumption
Price, Miss. Mary Female 1855 15 Consumption
Purdy, Mr. James Moore Male Architect and clerk 1882 21 Consumption
Proveaux, Mrs. Elizabeth Female 1866 59 Consumption
Price, Miss. Sarah Female 1867 23 Consumption
Purdy, Mr. John Male Tavernkeeper 1866 46 Consumption
Peay, Mr. W. A. Male Clerk 1862 40 Consumption
Palmer, Martha Female Domestic servant 1897 30 Consumption
Phillpott, Mrs. Female Milliner 1858 35 Consumption
Parker, Mrs. Female 1858 25 Consumption
Paterson, Mrs. Jane Female John Paterson 1877 44 Consumption
Polley, Mr. Charles Male Clerk (?) 1859 21 Consumption
Plees, Mr. A. F. Male 1855 Consumption
Pearson, Mrs. Minnie Female 1873 33 Consumption, etc.
Purkiss, Mr. John Male 1864 81 Disease of bladder etc.
Platt, Mr. George Male Steward, General Hospital; formerly tavern-keeper 1866 55 Dissipation
Paterson, Mr. John Male Hardware merchant 1880 48 Dissipation
Preston, Mr. Thomas J. Male Merchant Tailor 1874 64 Dissipation
Pitt, Mr. James Male Dry goods clerk 1862 55 Dissipation
Pierce, Mrs. Female 1860 70 Dropsy
Parker, Mrs. Female James Parker 1857 63 Dropsy, etc.
Philips, Mr. Francis J. Male Manufacturer 1910 61 Drowned in Lake Goguac, near Battle Creek, Michigan
Pearson, Mrs. Henrietta Female School teacher 1866 30 Drowned on ship off San Francisco
Prentiss, Mrs. Annie Female 1879 31 Dysentery
Pyper, Mr. William Male Secretary, Union Building Society 1869 44 Effects of accident
Parker, Mr. Richard Male Collector of customs 1866 69 Effects of cold
Pullen, Mr. Joseph Male Ex-city bellman 1895 82 Effects of La Grippe
Plunkett, Mr. John Male Tinsmith 1864 58 Fell downstairs while intoxicated and killed himself
