Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Deathsort descending
McMurrich, Mr. W. B. Male Lawyer 1908 65 Diabetes
Marter, Mr. George F. Male Insurance agent, etc., former leader of Opposition in Ontario Legislature. 1907 67 Diabetes
McLean, Mrs. Female William McLean 1894 Diarrhoea, etc.
Moore, Mrs. Eliza Jane Female 1865 28 Diphtheria
Mitchell, Mr. John Male Livery stable keeper 1891 63 Disease of bladder
Miller, Mr. R. S. Male Merchant 1862 41 Disease of heart
Moran, Mr. James Male Grocer 1862 45 Disease of liver
McQuesten, Mr. Isaac B. Male Barrister 1888 40 Dissipated
Murphy, Mr. John Male Tavern-keeper 1872 48 Dissipated
Morrison, Mr. Malcolm Male Liquor dealer 1874 40 Dissipated
Mitchell, Mr. Robert Male Dry goods clerk 1863 40 Dissipation
MacGillivray, Mr. Robert Male Mail conductor 1872 41 Dissipation
McConkey, Mr. Thomas Male Saloon keeper and confectioner 1858 39 Dissipation
Moore, Mr. James D. Male Agent, "Mail," etc. 1880 37 Dissipation
Morrison, Mr. Angus Male Barrister and Ex-Mayor 1882 62 Drink
Mercer, Mr. John Male Saloon-keeper 1870 40 Drink
McDougall, Mr. Peter Male 1836 Dropsy
Marsh, Mr. A. H. Male Barrister 1909 58 Drowned
McLean, Mr. Donald Male Sailor 1866 25 Drowned
Morse, Mr. G. D. Male Cattle dealer 1887 54 Drowned
McLean, Mr. Donald Male Sailor 1866 25 Drowned off whaler in South Pacific Ocean
Mair, Mr. James [or John] R. Male Schoolmaster 1865 55 Dysentery
McClure, Rev. William Male New Connection Meth. 1871 68 Effect of accident
Monaghan, Mrs. Female W. Monaghan 1870 48 Effect of injuries
Mitchell, Mr. Samuel E. Male Retired tanner 1870 72 Effects of cold
McLean, Mr. George Male Late barber, medicine vendor 1865 49 Effects of liquor
Merrick, Mr. Dominic A. Male Formerly dry goods 1895 61 Effects of paralysis
Morrison, Mr. Daniel Male Editor, "Telegraph" 1870 43 Epilepsy
McCutcheon, Mr. John Male Private gentleman 1803 64 Epoplexy
Moffatt, Col. Kenneth McKenzie Male Commissioner of Canada Co. 1885 61 Fatty degeneration of heart
Miller, Mr. W. W. Male Formerly barrister; President, Christian Science Association 1913 75 Found dead in chair
McCarthy, Mr. Dalton Male Barrister, M.P. 1898 61 From upset of carriage
Mason, Mr. J. Herbert Male Financier 1911 84 Gangrene
Marling, Mr. John F. Male 1869 70 Gangrene (?)
Murray, Mr. William T. Male Dry goods merchant 1903 54 Gastritis, enlargement of liver
McKinnon, Mr. J. H. Male Wholesale dry goods 1915 66 General break up
Massey, Mr. Hart A. Male Manufacturer 1896 72 General break up, result of grippe
Moss, Sir Charles Male Chief Justice 1912 72 General break-down
MacClear, Mr. Thomas Male Ex-publisher 1898 82 General break-up
Meredith, Mr. Thomas Male Ex-Grocer 1895 85 General break-up
Mara, Mr. Murray Male Ex-land agent 1898 90 General break-up
Milloy, Mr. Nicol Male S.B. Agent 1874 42 General break-up
Marshall, Mr. Kenrick R. Male Ex-School teacher 1895 76 General break-up
McMichael, Mr. Daniel Male Barrister 1894 77 General break-up
McClain, Mrs. Jane Female William McClain 1918 89 General break-up
McMichael, Mr. Daniel Male Lawyer 1894 77 General break-up
McMurrich, Hon. John Male Merchant, former Member of Legislative Council 1883 79 General break-up
McPherson, Sir David L. Male 1896 77 General break-up
Milton, Mr. Peter Male Tailor 1871 71 General break-up
Morphy, Mr. Edward M. Male Watchmaker 1905 85 General break-up
