MacClear, Mr. Thomas |
Male |
Ex-publisher |
1898 |
82 |
General break-up |
McGinn, Mr. James |
Male |
Ex-Saloon keeper |
1908 |
75 |
Marshall, Mr. Kenrick R. |
Male |
Ex-School teacher |
1895 |
76 |
General break-up |
Munn, Mr. James |
Male |
Ex-soldier |
1908 |
68 |
Accute inflammation of lungs. |
McCaffrey, Mr. Charles |
Male |
Ex-tax collector |
1900 |
83 |
Moffatt, Mr. Lewis |
Male |
Ex. Dry goods merchant |
1892 |
82 |
Moore, Mr. James |
Male |
Farmer |
1882 |
63 |
Inflammation of lungs |
Mason, Mr. J. Herbert |
Male |
Financier |
1911 |
84 |
Gangrene |
McLean, Rt. Rev. John |
Male |
First Anglican Bishop of Saskatchewan |
1886 |
McFarren, Mr. Andrew |
Male |
Flour and Feed |
1898 |
69 |
Liver complaint |
Milne, Mr. Robert |
Male |
Forman printer, Methodist Book Room |
1903 |
56 |
McLennan, Hon. James |
Male |
Former Judge, Superior Court |
1915 |
82 |
Minett, Mr. Fred J. |
Male |
Former Manager, Thomson and Burns Crockery |
1895 |
55 |
McMaster, Mr. W. F. |
Male |
Former merchant |
1907 |
81 |
Paralysis |
McFie, Mr. David |
Male |
Former Pres. Gas Co. |
1890 |
70 |
Miller, Mr. W. W. |
Male |
Formerly barrister; President, Christian Science Association |
1913 |
75 |
Found dead in chair |
Morse, Mr. Charles A. |
Male |
Formerly broker |
1889 |
72 |
Mulholland, Mr. John |
Male |
Formerly china merchant |
1881 |
76 |
Paralysis |
Maughan, Mr. John |
Male |
Formerly Commissariat Department |
1881 |
81 |
Munro, Mr. John M. |
Male |
Formerly Custom House |
1885 |
59 |
Merrick, Mr. Dominic A. |
Male |
Formerly dry goods |
1895 |
61 |
Effects of paralysis |
Monro, Mr. George |
Male |
Formerly grocer |
1878 |
77 |
Monaghan, Mr. William |
Male |
Formerly grocer |
1883 |
61 |
Paralysis |
Moffatt, Mr. James |
Male |
Formerly grocer |
1879 |
59 |
McIntosh, Mr. Angus |
Male |
Formerly grocer |
1857 |
48 |
Apoplexy caused by drink |
McCrossen, Mr. Thomas |
Male |
Formerly Hatter; Superintendent, Boys Reformatory |
1905 |
75 |
Mink, Mr. James |
Male |
Formerly livery stable keeper |
1868 |
70 |
Paralysis and dropsy |
McArthur, Mr. John |
Male |
Formerly mariner |
1861 |
52 |
Morris, Hon. Alexander |
Male |
Formerly Member of Provincial Parliament and Ex-Governor of Manitoba. |
1889 |
64 |
McKeyney, Mr. James |
Male |
Formerly Service foreman Gas Co. |
1889 |
72 |
McPhail, Mr. Robert |
Male |
Formerly Stationery |
1896 |
73 |
Milligan, Mr. Fred |
Male |
Formerly Tavernkeeper |
1883 |
64 |
McGee, Mr. John |
Male |
Founder |
1867 |
46 |
Softening of brain |
Metcalfe, Mr. Francis H. |
Male |
Founder |
1880 |
76 |
MacAgy, Mr. George Alex |
Male |
G. M. manager |
1898 |
47 |
Clot of blood in aorta |
Maynard, Rev. George |
Male |
Gentleman |
1878 |
72 |
Miller, Mr. Murray M. |
Male |
Government official |
1905 |
57 |
Paralysis |
Matthews, Mr. Wheeler D. |
Male |
Grain merchant |
1888 |
66 |
McFarren, Mr. James |
Male |
Grocer |
1919 |
67 |
Moore, Mr. Charles |
Male |
Grocer |
1876 |
51 |
Skull fracture |
McHardy, Mr. Forbes |
Male |
Grocer |
1886 |
49 |
Consumption |
Michie, Mr. George |
Male |
Grocer |
1866 |
55 |
Cancer of stomach |
Miller, Mr. William Henry |
Male |
Grocer |
1871 |
40 |
Stone |
Michie, Mr. James |
Male |
Grocer |
1883 |
54 |
Congestion of lungs |
Moran, Mr. James |
Male |
Grocer |
1862 |
45 |
Disease of liver |
McFarland, Mr. Andrew |
Male |
Grocer |
1880 |
46 |
Jaundice |
McCloskey, Mr. John H. |
Male |
Grocer |
1868 |
32 |
Consumption |
Miller, Mr. Albert Augustus |
Male |
Hardware manager |
1892 |
48 |
Heart failure, La grippe |
Meredith, Mr. Arthur |
Male |
Hardware merchant |
1904 |
51 |
Locomotor ataxia |
MacMurchy, Mr. Archibald |
Male |
High school teacher |
1912 |
80 |
Killed by trolley car |