Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Deathsort ascending
Monro, Mrs. Female A. M. Monro 1862 21 Consumption
Moore, Mr. Irwin Male 1862 25 Consumption
McDonnell, Rev. D. J. Male Presbyterian Minister 1896 53 Consumption
Merry, Mrs. Harriet Female M. Merry 1896 63 Consumption
McHardy, Mr. Forbes Male Grocer 1886 49 Consumption
Moorman, Miss. Mary Jane Female 1890 18 Consumption
Massey, Mr. Fred V. Male Student 1890 22 Consumption
Murphy, Mr. Michael Male Cooper and tavern-keeper 1868 42 Consumption
Michie, Mrs. Edna Female John Forbes Michie 1900 29 Consumption
McFarlane, Mrs. W. Female 1855 Consumption
McMaster, Mrs. Mary Female 1873 43 Consumption
Mason, Miss. Catherine Female Seamstress 1889 33 Consumption
Miller, Mr. J. C. Male Ex-Member of Provincial Parliament 1884 47 Consumption
Maclear, Mrs. Isabelle Female 1869 53 Congestion of lungs
Michie, Mr. James Male Grocer 1883 54 Congestion of lungs
Mossop, Mr. Jonathan Male Hotel-keeper 1879 45 Congestion of brain
McBean, Mr. John Male Contractor, builder 1877 65 Congestion of brain
Macaree, Rebecca Female 1882 38 Congestion of bowels
Manning, Mrs. Female James Manning 1858 35 Confinement
McCaul, Rev. John Male Reverend; formerly president of Univ. College Emily A. McCaul 1887 80 Complications of paralysis
McKay, Mr. William Male Messenger, Custom house 1870 66 Complications
Maclaren, Mrs. Mary E. Female Maclaren 1906 55 Complications
McKirdy, Mr. James Male Bursar, Lunatic Asylum 1875 61 Complication
McMaster, Hon. William Male Retired dry goods merchant 1887 76 Colic
MacAgy, Mr. George Alex Male G. M. manager 1898 47 Clot of blood in aorta
Mossman, Mr. James Male Caretaker, Model School 1888 58 Cancer of stomach
Michie, Mr. George Male Grocer 1866 55 Cancer of stomach
MacAgy, Mr. William A. Male Custom house appraiser 1882 72 Cancer
Malcolm, Mrs. Female Frith Paul Malcolm 1883 73 Cancer
Murray, Mrs. Female W. G. Murray 1897 90 Cancer
Murphy, Mr. Nicholas Male Barrister 1907 65 Cancer
Montgomery, Mr. R. J. Male Manager, Bloor Street branch, Pob. of Com. 1907 59 Calculus operation
May, Mr. Thomas Male Tavern keeper 1870 45 Burst blood-vessel
McKay, Col. W. J. Male Assistant emigrant agent 1865 72 Burst blood vessel
McNaught, Mr. William Kirkpatrick Male Jeweller 1919 73 Bronchitis and weak heart
McDonald, Mr. William T. Male Ex-French Consul and Manager, Freehold Loan Company 1893 78 Bronchitis
Moodie, Mr. Robert B. Male Agent, Intercolonial Railway 1889 45 Bronchitis
McLean, Mr. Daniel Male Ex-leather merchant 1897 68 Bronchitis
McCabe, Mr. William Male Manager, North Amer. Life Ass. Co. 1903 67 Bright's disease & complications
McMichael, Miss. Minnie Female 1889 21 Bright's disease
McCord, Mr. Andrew T. Male Insurance agent 1894 46 Bright's disease
Monaghan, Mr. Richard Male 1864 19 Brain fever
McGaffin, Capt. John Male Commadore, Niagara boats 1910 67 Blood poisoning
McFarlane, Dr. Lachlan Male Physician 1896 56 Blood poisoning
McConkey, Mr. Christopher Male Soldier of USA 1862 19 Battle wounds
McDonell, Mr. James Male License inspector 1865 53 Atrophy of liver
McKinnon, Mr. Sidney F. Male Dry goods merchant 1911 68 Asthma
Moore, Mr. James Male Messenger, N. School 1879 76 Asthma
Massey, Mrs. Anna Female Massey 1903 46 Appendicitis
McLean, Mr. Thomas Male Chief Clerk, Custom House 1894 63 Apparently apoplexy
