Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupationsort descending Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Death
McGaw, Mr. Thomas Male Hotel proprietor 1901 64 Sciatica
McNab, Mr. Duncan Male Hotel-keeper 1868 49 Apoplexy
Mossop, Mr. Jonathan Male Hotel-keeper 1879 45 Congestion of brain
Marling, Mr. Samuel Arthur Male Inspector of high schools, Newmarket 1882 62
McLean, Mr. Robert Male Inspector of Insurance Companies 1896 79
May, Mr. Samuel Passman Male Inspector of Public Libraries 1908
McMurrich, Mr. George Male Insurance agent 1913 68 Nervous breakdown
Maddison, Mr. Charles S. Male Insurance agent 1895 42 Stomach affection
Maddison, Mr. George L. Male Insurance agent 1881 59
McCord, Mr. Andrew T. Male Insurance agent 1894 46 Bright's disease
Maughan, Mr. John Male Insurance agent 1918 83
Marter, Mr. George F. Male Insurance agent, etc., former leader of Opposition in Ontario Legislature. 1907 67 Diabetes
Mercer, Mr. Andrew Male Issuer of marriage licenses. 1871 90
McNaught, Mr. William Kirkpatrick Male Jeweller 1919 73 Bronchitis and weak heart
Mondelet, Judge Male Judge 1876
Moule, Judge Male Judge 1888
McDougall, Mr. Joseph E. Male Judge, County Court 1903 57 Apoplexy
Morrison, Hon. Joseph C. Male Judge, Court of Appeal 1885 69
McGann, Mr. James Male Lake captain 1896 64
McBride, Mr. Owen Male Lamplighter 1888 60
McCarthy, Mr. Timothy Male Landing waiter 1890 74 La grippe
Mitchell, Mr. John C. Male Late Alderman 1889 42 Typhoid fever
McDonald, Mr. D. G. Male Late auctioneer 1866 31
McLean, Mr. George Male Late barber, medicine vendor 1865 49 Effects of liquor
Murray, Mr. C. S. Male Late clerk in Bank of Upper Canada 1867 74
McDonough, Mr. Michael Male Late farmer 1864 60 Suicide?
McNabb, Mr. John Male Late hardware merchant 1890 59 Pneumonia
McGee, Mr. David Male Late Manager, Canada Landed Credit [?] Company 1913 80
Muter, Col. Robert Male Late R.C. Rifles 1874
Mercer, Mr. L. W. Male Late Sheriff 1860 38 Smallpox
McEwan, Mr. Alexander Male Late Steward of Lord Elgin 1866 80 Apoplexy
Mitchell, Mr. Christopher Male Late tavernkeeper 1866 61
McCrae, Mr. G. Male Lately collector of customs at the Port of St. John 1871
McMichael, Mr. Daniel Male Lawyer 1894 77 General break-up
McDougall, Mr. Alfred Male Lawyer 1905 70 Heart failure, general break-up
McMurrich, Mr. W. B. Male Lawyer 1908 65 Diabetes
Macaulay, Mr. J. Jeremy Male Lawyer 1859 34
Madoe, Mr. J. H. Male Lawyer 1855
McIntyre, Mr. Neil Cameron Male Lawyer 1862 36
McDonald, Mr. Alexander Male Lawyer 1862 50 Suicide
McArthur, Mr. John Male Leather merchant 1890 57
McDonell, Mr. James Male License inspector 1865 53 Atrophy of liver
Mowat, Sir Oliver Male Lieutenant Governor of Ontario 1903 82 Paralysis and accident
Morrison, Mr. Malcolm Male Liquor dealer 1874 40 Dissipated
Mitchell, Mr. John Male Livery stable keeper 1891 63 Disease of bladder
McCleary, Mr. Thompson Male Lumber merchant 1885 60
Mutton, Mr. Samuel S. Male Lumber merchant 1901 58
Mackenzie, Mr. William Lyon Male M.P.P., Editor, etc. 1861 66 Gradual decay of system
MacGillivray, Mr. Robert Male Mail conductor 1872 41 Dissipation
Malone, Mr. Martin Male Mail conductor 1873 56 Inflammation of lungs
