Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Deathsort ascending
Monaghan, Mr. William Male Formerly grocer 1883 61 Paralysis
Metcalfe, Rev. J. A. Male Methodist Minister 1899 51 Paralysis
Macdonald, Sir John A. Male Prime Minister of Canada 1891 76 Paralysis
McKenzie, Hon. Alexander Male Ex-Prime Minister of Canada 1892 70 Paralysis
Mason, Mrs. Mary A. Female J. Mason 1897 63 Paralysis
McIlhenny, Mr. George A. Male Manager and President, Gas Lt. Co. 1892 56 Paralysis
Meacham, Mr. James Bogart Male Ex-Druggist 1918 83 Paralysis
Mowat, Mrs. Jane Ewart Female Oliver Mowat 1893 69 Paralysis
McKay, Mr. Donald Male Wholesale dry goods 1909 94 Old age
McCord, Miss. Susan Female 1898 89 Old age
Milton, Mrs. Ann Female 1876 84 Old age
Mitchell, Mrs. Female James Mitchell 1915 97 Old age
McIlmurray, Dr. James Male Doctor 1882 82 Old age
Matthews, Mrs. Mary Female 1890 95 Old age
McMurrich, Mr. George Male Insurance agent 1913 68 Nervous breakdown
Moore, Dr. Arthur Male Doctor 1857 Lung disease
Meredith, Mr. Arthur Male Hardware merchant 1904 51 Locomotor ataxia
McCollum, Dr. J. H. Male Doctor 1888 46 Liver complaint
McFarren, Mr. Andrew Male Flour and Feed 1898 69 Liver complaint
McKenzie, Mr. Walter Male Clerk, County Court 1890 77 La grippe, bronchitis
McCausland, Laura May Female 1890 20 La grippe
McCarthy, Mr. Timothy Male Landing waiter 1890 74 La grippe
McDonald, Mr. Malcolm D. Male Clerk Consumer's Gas Company 1915 28 Killed in action at Ypres
MacMurchy, Mr. Archibald Male High school teacher 1912 80 Killed by trolley car
Muntz, Mr. Robert Gustavus Male Clerk, Gas Company 1914 50 Killed by being run over by a motor.
Moore, Miss. Mary Female 1895 42 Kidney disease
Musson, Mr. William W. Male 1866 43 Kidney disease
McFarland, Mr. Andrew Male Grocer 1880 46 Jaundice
Murray, Mr. William A. Male Dry goods merchant 1891 77 Jaundice
Mason, Mr. W. T. Male Accountant, etc. 1882 58 Intestinal obstruction
Munro, Mr. George Male Customs appraiser 1900 70 Influenza
Mulock, Mr. Cawthra Male Broker, Director, etc. 1918 34 Influenza
Munck, Mr. Jeremiah Deas Male Sheriff, County Stormount 1887 67 Inflammation of lungs
Malone, Mr. Martin Male Mail conductor 1873 56 Inflammation of lungs
Moore, Mr. James Male Farmer 1882 63 Inflammation of lungs
Moore, Mr. Fred H. Male Coal merchant 1887 33 Inflammation of kidneys
Meagher, Mr. Charles Male Clerk 1877 25 Inflammation of bowels
McMullen, Mr. J. H. Male Agent and accountant 1891 53 Inflammation of bowels
MacDonald, Hon. John Male Senator, wholesale dry goods 1890 66 Inflammation of bladder
Mason, Mrs. Female J. Herbert Mason 1871 34 Inflammation after confinement
Murray, Mrs. Female W. A. Murray 1887 65 Inflammation
Marshall, Mr. Susie Female 1873 12 Hip joint disease
Muir, Mr. Alex Male Teacher 1906 71 Heart trouble
Miller, Mr. Albert Augustus Male Hardware manager 1892 48 Heart failure, La grippe
McDougall, Mr. Alfred Male Lawyer 1905 70 Heart failure, general break-up
Maybee, Judge J. R. Male Chairman Ry. Cons. 1912 53 Heart failure following operation
McGee, Mr. James Male President, Union Loan Company 1893 72 Heart failure after La grippe
McDonald, Mr. Randolph Male Contracter 1910 59 Heart failure
Morris, Mr. Harry Male Manager, Rosedale branch, Dominion Bank 1917 41 Heart failure
Micklethwaite, Mrs. Female J. W. Micklethwaite 1906 54 Heart failure
