Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Deathsort descending
Matthews, Mr. W. T. Male Manager, R.G. Dun's Mercantile Agency 1911 65 Pneumonia
Matthews, Mr. Willmott D. Male Ex-President, Board of Trade; Vice President, Dominion Bank 1919 68 Pneumonia
Murray, Miss. Margaret Female Stenographer 1906 28 Pneumonia
Morphy, Mrs. Elizabeth Female John Morphy 1892 36 Pneumonia
McNabb, Mr. John Male Late hardware merchant 1890 59 Pneumonia
Moutain, Mr. Thomas P. Male Painter 1891 71 Pneumonia
McDonald, Mr. Thomas Male Manufacturer of tin ware 1897 23 Pneumonia
McCree (?), Mr. John Male Provincial Land Surveyor 1903 63 Pneumonia
Morley, Mr. J. Washington Male Watchmaker 1900 45 Pneumonia
McDonald, Mr. Alexander Male Messanger, Crown Lands Department 1891 77 Pneumonia
Morphy, Mrs. Eliza Female 1863 27 Rapid consumption
McMurchy, Mr. Dugald J. Male Barrister 1891 28 Result of gun shot
Meager, Mrs. Mary Female Charwoman 1885 76 Result of injury
Milloy, Mr. Duncan Male Captain of Steamer, "City of Toronto" 1871 46 Results of dissipation
Miller, Mr. Claudius Male Traveller 1883 30 Scarlet fever
McGaw, Mr. Thomas Male Hotel proprietor 1901 64 Sciatica
Moore, Mr. Charles Male Grocer 1876 51 Skull fracture
Mercer, Mr. L. W. Male Late Sheriff 1860 38 Smallpox
McGee, Mr. John Male Founder 1867 46 Softening of brain
McDonald, Mr. Ernest A. Male Ex-mayor and specular 1902 45 Softening of brain
Miller, Eliza Jane Female 1888 52 Spinal complaint, Cancer
Maddison, Mr. Charles S. Male Insurance agent 1895 42 Stomach affection
Moffatt, Rev. Robert C. Male Secretary, Upper Canada Tract Society 1905 73 Stomach trouble.
Miller, Mr. William Henry Male Grocer 1871 40 Stone
McCulloch, Mr. Quartus Donald Male Bookkeeper, Bennett and Wright 1906 49 Suicide
Moore, Mr. Berry Male Retired grocer 1888 57 Suicide
McDonald, Mr. Alexander Male Lawyer 1862 50 Suicide
McDonough, Mr. Michael Male Late farmer 1864 60 Suicide?
McMahon, Mr. Thomas W. Male 1890 47 Typhoid fever
Minkler, Mr. Asa A. Male Estate agent 1889 35 Typhoid fever
Massey, Mr. Walter E. H. Male President, Massey Co. 1901 37 Typhoid fever
Mitchell, Mr. John C. Male Late Alderman 1889 42 Typhoid fever
Moore, Miss. Eleanor Female 1876 21 Typhoid fever
Moore, Miss. May E. Female 1885 19 Typhoid fever
Murray, Mr. Alexander Male Merchant 1869 63 Ulcerated throat
Morphy, Mrs. E. M. Female 1868 31 Ulcerated throat and childbirth
