Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Deathsort ascending
Leafy, Mrs. Emma Female 1884 80 General decay
Lavell, Rev. C. Male Methodist Minister 1891 68 General debility
Lawson, Mr. Joseph Male Ex-Grocer 1905 78 General break-up
Lewis, Mrs. Mary A. Caroline Female J. I. Lewis 1899 68 General break-up
Lesslie, Mr. G. Male Gardener and florist 1893 89 General break-up
Lavell, Dr. Michael Male Ex-warden, Provincial Penitentiary 1901 75 General break-up
Lukes, Mrs. Emmeline Female 1907 75 General break-up
Lepper, Mr. Arthur Male Ex-dry goods merchant 1891 76 General break-up
Lee, Mr. Thomas Hawkins Male Wholesale jeweller 1918 85 General break-up
Lloyd, Mr. B. Male Tavern-keeper, formerly tailor. 1869 53 Effects of drinking
Lewis, Mr. Rice Male Hardware merchant 1871 69 Effects of apoplexy caused by dissipation
Larkin, Mr. Patrick Male Tavern-keeper 1867 45 Drowned
Lee, Mr. Alex G. Male Stationer 1912 77 Dropped dead in street
Lawlor, Mr. D. Male 1874 38 Dissipation
Legge, Mr. John Male Accountant, City Bank 1868 61 Debility and dysentery
Likens, Mr. John Male Tavern-keeper 1869 50 Consumption
Lillie, Mr. Frank W. Male 1870 21 Consumption
Loring, Mr. George Male 1855 25 Consumption
Loring, Mr. George Frederick Male 1855 25 Consumption
Lillie, Mr. W. D. Male 1866 26 Consumption
Loeman, Mr. James H. Male Carpenter 1884 26 Consumption
Loeman, Mr. Thomas Male Clerk 1871 19 Consumption
Lee, Mr. Frederick Male Formerly clerk 1858 36 Consumption
Lee, Mr. Joseph W. Male Late Clerk 1860 40 Consumption
Lee, Mrs. Emily C. Female W. H. Lee 1878 44 Consumption
Litster, Mr. James Male Builder 1864 41 Congestion of brain
Lugsdin, Mrs. Priscilla Female 1872 61 Complications
Lynes, Mr. Charles Male Clerk commissariat 1863 73 Complications
Lugsdin, Mr. L. W. Male Printer 1866 57 Complication of disorders
Langston, Mrs. Hannah Female 1863 45 Cold after child birth
Little, Mr. Jackson Male Chemist and Druggist 1917 52 Clot in brain
Laurie, Mr. Alexander Male Dry goods salesman, J. Scott and Sons 1893 70 Chronic dyspepsia
Loscombe, Mrs. Female 1854 Cholera
Leys, Mr. John Male Hardware merchant 1892 54 Cancer of stomach
Lugsdin, Mr. Thomas Male Hatter 1894 56 Cancer of liver
Lee, Mr. Arthur B. Male Hardware merchant 1904 66 Cancer in throat
Lee, Mr. Joseph Male Lime Works 1861 68 Cancer in kidneys
Lytle, Mrs. Letitia Loche Female 1918 75 Cancer
Lytle, Mrs. Lizzie Female 1899 32 Apoplexy
Lakes, Mr. William Male Miller 1895 67 Apoplexy
Lailey, Mr. William H. Male Printer 1888 65 Apoplexy
Love, Mr. Neil C. Male Druggist 1888 68 Apoplexy
Livingstone, Mr. James Alfred Male Piano dealer 1900 73 Apoplexy
Lounsborough, Mr. W. Male Shoemaker 1875 64 Apoplexy
Littlehales, Mr. Thomas Male Manager, Gas Company 1904 60 Aorta leaking
Lawson, Mr. Edward Male Tea merchant 1894 73 Anaemia
Letherland, Mr. Samuel Male Ex-Caretaker, Gas Office 1899 80 Accidentally drowned
Lilly, Mrs. Elizabeth Female John Lilly 1812 67 ?
Lappage, Mr. William A. Male 1957 66
Lehmann, Mr. Adolf John V. Male 1961
