Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Deathsort descending Age at Death Cause of Death
Kannawin, Rev. Dr. William Miller Male 1946 75
Kennedy, Mr. Murray D. Male 1947 63
Kendall, Dr. Walter Bingham Male 1947 75
Knott, Mr. John A. Male 1947
Keightley, Mr. Bertram William Male 1947
Keith, Mr. Alexander Male 1947 89
Kingsford, Winifred Female 1947
Kavanagh, Mary Theresa Female 1947
Kallmeyer, Minnie Female 1947
Kerby, Mr. Royden Donaldson Male 1947
King, Edith Marling Female 1947
Kenny, Mr. William Thomas Male 1948
King, Mrs. Mary M Female James H. King 1948
Kinmond, Lt.-Col. R. D. Male 1948
Kilpatrick, Mr. Joseph Albert Male 1948
Kennedy, Mrs. Anne Isabel Female Henry L. Kennedy 1948
Kingsmill, Mr. Arthur Male 1948
Keen, Mr. Harry Gordon Male 1948 59
King, Mr. Wallace Graham Male 1948
King, Mr. William David Male 1948
Knight, Lt.-Cmdr. Christopher Morse Male 1948
Kane, Rev. John Male 1948 71
Kettlewell, Mr. Wilfrid Coyne Male 1948
Keens, Capt. John Harvey Male 1948 51
Kennedy, Mr. Peter C. Male 1949
Kent, Mr. H. F. Edmund Male 1949
Kitto, Mr. Victor Male 1949
Keay, Mr. Melville Male 1949 49
Keefe, Mr. R. Daniel Male 1949 72
Keefer, Mr. F. Hugh Male 1949
Keith, Mr. William Male 1949 80
King, Dr. James Harold Male 1949
Kipp, Squadron Leader Robert A. Male 1949
Kirby, Mr. Luther H. Male 1950
King, Maj.-Gen. W. B. M. Male 1950
Keast, Mr. Walter Male 1950 71
Kerr, Prof. Wilfred B. Male 1950
Kidd, Bishop John T. Male 1950
Killoran, Judge James L. Male 1950
Kingsmill, Mr. Walter Bernard Male 1950
Kirkpatrick, Sir George Macaulay Male 1950
King, Mr. William Lyon Mackenzie Male 1950
Kingston, Archbishop George Frederick Male 1950
Kenrick, Dr. Frank Boteler Male 1951
Kerr, Col. W. G. Male 1951
Keys, Florence Valentine Female 1951
Kerr, Dr. Marion Grant Male 1951
Knowles, Hon. William Erskine Male 1951
Kirkland, Dr. William S. Male 1951
Knowles, Mr. Vernon Male 1951
