Kerr, Mr. Hugh Livingston |
Male |
1945 |
72 |
Kruger, Dr. W. Cecil |
Male |
1954 |
53 |
Kennedy, Mr. John |
Male |
1864 |
51 |
Asthma and inflammation of the lungs |
Klersy, Squadron Leader William Thomas |
Male |
1945 |
22 |
Keith, Mr. James William |
Male |
1965 |
37 |
Kingston, Mrs. Henrietta Georgina |
Female |
F. W. Kingston |
1919 |
75 |
Kerr, Mr. John |
Male |
Accountant |
1892 |
73 |
Paralysis |
Kane, Mr. Paul |
Male |
Artist |
1871 |
58 |
Kane, Mr. John Hamilton |
Male |
Assistant cashier, Dominion Bank |
1890 |
42 |
Consumption |
Ketchum, Rev. W. Q. |
Male |
Author |
1901 |
Kerr, Mr. James K. |
Male |
Barrister |
1916 |
75 |
General break-up |
Kingstone, Mr. Frank W. |
Male |
Barrister |
1914 |
78 |
Kingsmill, Mr. Nicol |
Male |
Barrister |
1912 |
77 |
General break-up |
Kerr, Mr. W. H. C. |
Male |
Barrister and speculator |
1891 |
54 |
Bright's disease |
Kelly, Mr. Thomas |
Male |
Cabman |
1870 |
60 |
Delirium tremens |
Keefer, Mr. Samuel |
Male |
Civil Engineer |
1890 |
79 |
Pneumonia |
Kellogg, Rev. S. H. |
Male |
Clergyman and author |
1899 |
Keith, Mr. John |
Male |
Coal merchant |
1906 |
75 |
Paralysis |
Kinzinger, Mr. Jacob |
Male |
Confectioner, etc. |
1882 |
65 |
Apoplexy |
Kerr, Capt. Robert |
Male |
Deputy Harbour Master |
1876 |
69 |
King, Dr. John |
Male |
Doctor |
1857 |
53 |
King, Dr. John Lyons |
Male |
Doctor |
1870 |
32 |
Dissipation |
Kay, Mr. John |
Male |
Dry goods |
1891 |
74 |
Pleurisy |
Kennedy, Mr. Warring |
Male |
Dry goods |
1904 |
77 |
Paralysis |
Keefer, Mr. Thomas C. |
Male |
Eminent Civil engineer |
1915 |
93 |
Kendrew, Mr. William |
Male |
Ex-bailiff |
1891 |
80 |
Keating, Mr. E. H. |
Male |
Ex-City engineer |
1912 |
68 |
General break-down |
Keiley, Mr. George W. |
Male |
Ex-proprietor, Street railway |
1894 |
63 |
Heart disease |
Kennedy, Mary Anne |
Female |
Ex-School teacher |
1897 |
66 |
Creeping paralysis |
Kidney, Mr. John |
Male |
Flour-dealer, etc. |
1862 |
53 |
Congestion of brain |
Kidd, Mr. Walter Telford |
Male |
Formerly druggist |
1889 |
65 |
Suicide |
Kay, Mr. John |
Male |
Formerly messenger, Canada Company |
1878 |
84 |
Kidd, Mr. John D. |
Male |
Formerly Tailor in Toronto |
1865 |
43 |
Kleiser, Mr. John |
Male |
Formerly watchmaker |
1889 |
64 |
Keighley, Mr. John C. |
Male |
Grocer |
1885 |
47 |
Keighley, Mr. William |
Male |
Grocer |
1861 |
49 |
Pleurisy |
Kyle, Mr. Charles S |
Male |
Grocer |
1908 |
59 |
Result of operation |
Keighley, Mr. William W. |
Male |
Grocer |
1912 |
71 |
Kingfield, Mr. James M. |
Male |
High bailiff |
1900 |
76 |
Heart disease |
Kribs, Mr. Louis P. |
Male |
Journalist |
1898 |
Knowland, Mr. Frank J. |
Male |
Lamplighter |
1897 |
50 |
Peritonitis |
Keith, Mr. George |
Male |
Late chief factor of Hudson's Bay Company |
1859 |
King, Mr. Thomas Davies |
Male |
Littératteur |
1884 |
Kent, Mr. John |
Male |
Lumber merchant |
1890 |
53 |
Diabetes |
King, Dr. John |
Male |
M.D. |
1857 |
58 |
Kenny, Mr. J. J. |
Male |
Manager, Western Insurance Company |
1911 |
65 |
Heart disease |
Kemp, Mr. William A. |
Male |
Manufacturer |
1919 |
53 |
Hardening of arteries |
Kilgour, Mr. Robert |
Male |
Merchant |
1918 |
71 |
Keough, Rev. Thomas S. |
Male |
Methodist Minister |
1897 |
73 |
Kissock, Mr. William |
Male |
Notary, etc. |
1859 |
36 |