Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Deathsort descending Age at Death Cause of Death
Higginbotham, Mrs. Female 1861 64 Complication
Holmes, Dr. George Male Doctor 1861 55
Hodgetts, Mr. Thomas Male Clerk, Bank of Upper Canada 1861 30 Consumption
Hutcheson, Emily Female School-teacher 1861 38 Consumption and dropsy
Heatley, Mr. Thomas Male Clerk 1861 20 Consumption
Harrison, Mr. D. B. Male Wine merchant, speculator, etc. 1861 34
Hutchinson, Mr. Thomas Male Formerly merchant 1861 45
Halse, Mr. George H. Male Clerk 1861 27 Died at sea
Hancock, Mr. Edward Charles Male Formerly Captain, Clerk of the Peace 1861 38 Consumption
Hart, Mr. John Male Painter 1862 55 Paralysis
Helliwell, Mr. Thomas Male Late Brewer 1862 66
Harvie, Mr. John Male Retired gentleman 1862 70
Hunt, Mr. William De Vere Male Formerly in the Army 1862 72
Hampton, Mrs. Elizabeth Female 1862 49 Complication of disorders
Hutchison, Mr. John Male Retired merchant, late Mayor of Toronto 1863 46 Disease of heart, etc.
Horne, Mrs. R. C. Female 1863 78
Honstein, Mr. John Male Tailor 1863 111 Old age?
Heaslip, Mr. John Male Tavern-keeper 1863 36
Hallowell, Mr. J. S. Male Student in law. 1863
Hibbert, Mr. John Male Distiller 1863 52 Apoplexy
Henderson, Mr. Robert Male Carpenter 1863 70
Hind, Mrs. Female 1863 58
Hickman, Mr. William Male Barber 1863 Suddenly, cause not stated
Hind, Mrs. Jane Female 1863 30 Miscarriage
Hamilton, Mr. Benjamin Male Clerk 1863 20 Consumption
Halliman, Mr. James Male Lawyer 1864 44 Choked with a piece of meat
Harrison, Mr. Richard Male Late clerk of Market 1864 60
Harper, Mrs. Female James Harper 1864 54
Hawke, Mrs. Anna Female 1864 69 Paralysis
Hastings, Alice Mary Female 1864 14 Brain fever resulting from dysentery
Heighton, Mr. William Male Shoemaker, toll gate-keeper 1865 53
Harding, Mr. Robert Male Book binder 1865 25 Organic heart disease
Hanlan, Mr. Edward Male Tavern-keeper 1866 46 Consumption
Hamilton, Mr. George M. Male Clerk 1866 24 Consumption
Howard, Mr. J. S. Male County Treasurer 1866 68 Apoplexy
Howard, Mr. James Scott Male Treasurer of the Home District 1866 68
Harrison, Mrs. Female R. A. Harrison 1866 27 Consumption
Hamilton, Col. George Male Formerly in Receiver General's Department 1866 83
Hoskins, Mrs. Anne Female 1867 35 Dropsy
Henwood, Mr. William Male Tavernkeeper 1867 40 Inflammation of lungs
Hawke, Mr. Anthony B. Male Formerly emigration agent 1867 68
Harrison, Hon. S. B. Male County judge 1867 65 Gout, heart disease
Hunter, Mr. James Male Formerly clerk in Custom-house 1867 64 Suicide
Holt, Mr. Peter Male Clerk in Customs Department 1867 53 Asthma and consumption
Helliwell, Mr. Edward J. Male None. 1868 33 Dissipation
Hayman, Mr. Charles S. Male Merchant Tailor 1868 34 Inflammation of lungs
Hope, Rev. H. P. Male 1868 65 Erysipelas
Helm, Major C. J. Male 1868 26 Erysipelas
Hogan, Mrs. Female John Sheridan Hogan 1868 40
Hewison, Mr. Benjamin Male Stationer 1868 52 Consumption
