Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupationsort descending Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Death
Graham, Mr. Alexander Male Mail conductor 1864 36 Drowned
Gillespie, Mr. Walter Male Manager, Building Loan Association 1896 Gout, etc.
Gale, Mr. James W. Male Manufacturer 1899 69 Heart failure
Gurney, Mr. Edward Male Manufacturer (Foundry, etc.) 1916 71 Diabetes
Gaskin, Capt. R. Male Mariner 1869 60
Giles, Capt. Caleb Male Master of schooner 1869 44 Accidentally shot after shooting-match
Grant, Mr. Daniel Male Merchant 1811
Galbraith, Rev. W. Male Methodist 1908 66 Paralysis
Gray, Rev. James Male Methodist Minister 1892 72 Heart disease
Gamble, Mr. John W. Male Miller 1873 74
Gamble, Mr. William Male Miller 1881 75 Apoplexy
Green, Rev. A. Male Minister 1879 77 Jaundice, complication
Geikie, Dr. Cuningham Male Minister of the Gospel 1906 81
Geikie, Dr. Walter B. Male Physician 1917 87 Senile decay and old age
Graham, Dr. J. E. Male Physician 1899 52 Consumption
Gurnett, Mr. George Male Police Magistrate 1861 69 Paralytic stroke
Gregg, Rev. William Male Presbyterian 1909 91 Pneumonia
Gates, Mr. Fred W. Male President, Gas Company Hamilton 1906 84 General break-up
Gundy, Rev. J. B. Male President, W. C. Conference 1873 41 Brain fever
Grant, Rev. G. M. Male Principal, Queen's College 1902 66
Gray, Mr. Robert Male Printer 1903 75
Granger, Mr. William H. Male Printer 1886 21 Consumption
Gwatkin, Mr. R. C. Male Printer 1880 62
Gooderham, Mr. Robert J. Male Private citizen 1913 71 Angina pectoris
Grant, Mr. Alexander Male Registrar, Court of Chancery 1898 85 General break-up
Garvin, Mr. John L. Male Reporter 1913 47
Gooderham, Mr. Henry Male Retired 1916 82
Goulding, Mr. George Male Retired dry goods and fancy goods 1893 77
Galt, Sir Thomas Male Retired Judge 1901 85 Senile decay
Gooderham, Mr. William Male Retired miller 1889 65 Heart disease
Gibson, Mr. William Male Saddler 1869 47 Inflammation of bowels
Gregor, Mr. Joseph Male Saloon-keeper 1867 30 Consumption, liver complaint
Guinane, Mr. William Male Shoemaker 1888 61
Gormaly, Mr. William Male Station agent 1906 68
Graham, Rev. James Male Superannuated Methodist Minister 1896 70
Gisborne, Mr. Frederick Newton Male Superintendent of government telegraph 1892
Gunn, Mr. James Male Superintendent, Toronto Street Railway 1919 75
Gafney, Mr. John Male Tavern-keeper 1875 62
Glasco, Mr. Thomas Male Tax collector, formerly a hatter 1887 78
Gough, Mr. John B. Male Temperance lecturer 1886 69 Apoplexy
Green, Mr. Joseph Male Tinsimith 1862 42
Garvin, Mr. James S. Male Traveller 1910 48
Gwynne, Mr. Hugh N. Male Treasurer, Law Society 1872 68
Griffin, Rev. W. S. Male Treasurer, Superannuation Fund, Methodist Church 1917 91
Gildersleeve, Mr. Charles S. Male Vessel agent, etc. 1906 74
Gundy, Mr. William Pearson Male Vice-President, W. J. Gage and Company 1919 61 Heart failure
Geddes, Mr. W. A. Male Wharfinger 1901 55 General break-up
Gray, Mr. Robert H. Male Wholesale dry goods 1897 61
Greer, Mr. John Male Wood merchant 1880 50
Gourlay, Mr. John Edgar Reginald Male Writer of fiction and journalist 1923 69
