Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Deathsort descending
Gernley, Mrs. Female J. Gernley 1872 48 Heart disease
Gray, Mr. Joseph Male Formerly Nipissing Railway 1886 70 Heart disease
Gooderham, Mr. William Male Retired miller 1889 65 Heart disease
Gray, Rev. James Male Methodist Minister 1892 72 Heart disease
Gooch, Mr. R. W. Male Insurance agent 1906 76 Heart disease
Gale, Mr. James W. Male Manufacturer 1899 69 Heart failure
Gardner, Mrs. Susan Female Thomas Gardner 1905 73 Heart failure
Gibbs, Mr. W. H. Male Ex-miller, Alderman 1902 79 Heart failure
Griffith, Mr. Thomas Male Ex-Shoemaker 1890 78 Heart failure
Gundy, Mr. William Pearson Male Vice-President, W. J. Gage and Company 1919 61 Heart failure
Gurney, Mr. William Cromwell Male General Manager, Gurney Foundry Co. 1919 45 Heart trouble
Gurney, Mrs. Mary Frances Female Edward Gurney 1919 71 Heart trouble
Gooderham, Mrs. Female 1907 74 Heart trouble
Gibson, Mr. William Male Saddler 1869 47 Inflammation of bowels
Grand, Mr. James Male Livery stable-keeper 1877 53 Inflammation of bowels
Gilmor, Mr. Robert Male Ex-Vestry clerk, St. James; dry goods merchant 1895 78 Inflammation of bowels
Graham, Sarah Female 1876 32 Inflammation of bowels
Grantam, Mr. John Male Late livery-stable keeper 1866 60 Inflammation of lungs
Ginty, Mr. John Male Contractor 1884 63 Inflammation of lungs
Gooderham, Mr. Male Late merchant 1879 53 Injuries from an accident
Gibson, Mr. J. H. Male Law clerk 1865 40 Intoxicating liquors
Graham, Mr. James Male Formerly Secretary, Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway and cashier of City Bank 1885 83 Jaundice
Green, Rev. A. Male Minister 1879 77 Jaundice, complication
Gardner, Dr. Charles Male Doctor 1863 40 Kidney disease
Graham, Mr. William H. Male Clerk 1862 21 Killed by falling off roof Rossin House
Gowan, Mr. Nassau C. Male Formerly New Connection Minister, lately political character 1865 37 Killed in railway accident at Berlin
Gillespie, Mr. George E. Male Former alderman 1891 55 La Grippe
Graham, Dora Female 1898 40 Nervous complications
Gooderham, Mr. William Male Distiller 1881 90 Old age
Gilmor, Mr. Isaac C. Male Ex-dry goods merchant; Mgr., Building Society 1903 94 Old age
Graham, Mrs. Phoebe Female 1860 75 Old age
Greig, Major George Male 1896 81 Paralysis
Garvin, Mr. John Male Appraiser 1898 66 Paralysis
Grasett, Mrs. F. M. Female Dean Grasett 1886 71 Paralysis
Gaston, Mr. John S. Male Inn keeper 1869 60 Paralysis
Gowan, Mr. Ogle R. Male License inspector 1876 73 Paralysis
Galbraith, Rev. W. Male Methodist 1908 66 Paralysis
Gurnett, Mr. George Male Police Magistrate 1861 69 Paralytic stroke
Ginn, Mr. Isaac Male Foreman printer 1913 80 Pneumonia
Gilmore, Mr. Charles T. Male Clerk, Legislative Assembly of Ontario 1892 80 Pneumonia
Gregg, Rev. William Male Presbyterian 1909 91 Pneumonia
Gerry, Mr. James Male Grocer 1896 80 Result of accident on Street railway
Goldsmith, Rev. Thomas Male Ex-New Connection Methodist 1902 79 Rheumatism
Gardiner, Mr. Edmund W. Male 1896 62 Rheumatism, etc.
Grantham, Mrs. Melinda Female Arthur Grantham 1918 80 Senile decay
Galt, Sir Thomas Male Retired Judge 1901 85 Senile decay
Geikie, Dr. Walter B. Male Physician 1917 87 Senile decay and old age
Grasett, Mr. Charles B. Male Ex-Clerk, Osgoode Hall 1896 64 Softening of brain
Graham, Mr. Henry Male Formerly carpet warehouse 1883 73 Softening of brain, etc.
Gamble, Mr. R. D. Male Cashier, Dominion Bank 1899 46 Throat trouble
