Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupationsort descending Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Death
Forbes, Mr. George H. Male Grocer 1918 71
Foy, Mr. George J. Male Grocer 1909 65 Heart disease
Finnegan, Mr. Patrick Male Hotel keeper 1895 55
Fraser, Mr. Hamilton Male Hotel keeper 1903 78
Fahey, Mr. James Male Journalist 1888 38
Ferguson, Mr. Thomas Male Judge, Common Pleas 1904 65 Kidney and heart trouble
Falconbridge, Sir Glenholme Male Judge, Superior Court 1920 77 Pneumonia
Farrell, Mr. William Male Labourer at Gas Works 1861 Drowning
Farrell, Mr. Patrick Male Lamplighter 1881 51 Haemorrhage of lump
Forsyth, Lt. Thomas Male Late Lieutenant in H. M. 32nd Foot 1843
Forneri, Prof. James Male Late Professor in University 1869 83
Fenson, Mr. John Male Machinist 1908 79
Fenwick, Mr. John F. Male Mail clerk 1876 32 Consumption
Fiskin, Mr. James Male Merchant 1860 32
Fuller, Mr. Thomas J. Male Merchant 1866 42 Bronchial consumption
Forman, Mr. James Male Messenger, Bank of Toronto 1878 65
Fenwick, Mr. William Male Messenger, Post Office 1865 60 Paralysis
Fawcett, Rev. Michael Male Methodist Minister 1897 81
Fear, Rev. Samuel Male Methodist Minister 1896 93
Fish, Rev. Charles Male Methodist Minister 1902 81 Pneumonia
Fowler, Rev. R. Male Methodist Minister 1887 64
Fisher, Mr. Edward Male Musician 1913 65 Angina pectoris
Farrant, Mr. John Male News agent and stationer 1872 80 Complications
Forrest, Mr. Edmund William Male Novelist 1880
Fisken, Mr. John Male Oil merchant 1890 71 Paralysis
Fenwick, Mr. Andrew O. Male P. O. Conductor 1867 35 Consumption
Faircloth, Mr. George S. Male Painter 1879 60 Heart disease
Fenlon, Faith Female Pioneer woman, journalist 1936
Fitzsimons, Mr. James B. Male Plumber, etc. 1917 72
Foster, Mr. Joseph Male Porter 1866 29
Fletcher, Prof. John Male Professor of Latin, University College 1917 67
Finlay, Mr. Sammuel W. Male Retired 1914 65 Brain affections
Flint, Mr. Abraham B. Male Retired dry goods merchant 1886 45 Kidney trouble
Fitch, Mr. John O. Male Retired grocer 1895 74
Forbes, Mr. Duncan Male Roofer (felt) 1881 72
Franck, Rev. John Male Schoolmaster 1868 43 Inflammatory rheumatism
Fleming, Mr. James Male Seedsman and florist 1887 75
Flint, Mr. Billa Male Senator 1894
Forbes, Mr. David C. Male Shoe merchant 1899 63
Ferris, Capt. J. F. Male Staff officer of pensions 1863 60
Foy, Mr. John Male Steamboat agent 1904 59 Erysipelas
Ferguson, Mr. Thomas R. Male Tailor 1860 55 Apoplexy
Freeland, Mr. John Male Tallow chandler 1861 70 Stomach complaint
Farr, Mr. Joseph H. Male Tar distiller 1904 58
Foy, Mr. William Male Tavern-keeper 1878 56
Fulljames, Mr. Henry Male Tavern-keeper 1862 48 Gastric fever
