Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Deathsort descending
Fenett, Mr. Henry Male Employee of Gas Company 1887 26 Consumption
Foy, Mr. P. Male Grocer 1868 56 Consumption
Fitzgibbon, Mr. Charles Thomas Male Clerk, Surrogate Court 1865 47 Consumption
Freeland, Mr. Patrick Male Barrister 1864 38 Consumption
Flett, Mr. S. W. Male Grocer 1860 24 Consumption
Fenwick, Mr. Andrew O. Male P. O. Conductor 1867 35 Consumption
Fenwick, Mr. John F. Male Mail clerk 1876 32 Consumption
Farrell, Mr. William Male Labourer at Gas Works 1861 Drowning
Forbes, Mrs. Mary Ann Female 1869 54 Dysentery
Foy, Mr. John Male Steamboat agent 1904 59 Erysipelas
Fulljames, Mr. Henry Male Tavern-keeper 1862 48 Gastric fever
Fisher, Mrs. Catherine Female 1912 89 General decay
Foster, Mr. James Male Formerly shoemaker 1887 83 General decay
Farrell, Mr. Patrick Male Lamplighter 1881 51 Haemorrhage of lump
Foy, Hon. James J. Male Barrister, ex. Attorney General of Province 1916 69 Hardening of arteries
Faircloth, Mr. George S. Male Painter 1879 60 Heart disease
Foy, Mr. George J. Male Grocer 1909 65 Heart disease
Fenton, Mr. Frederick Male Co. Crown Attorney 1886 44 Heart disease
Fraser, Hon. C. F. Male Ex-Minister, Public Works, Ontario 1894 55 Heart disease
Ferrett, Mr. W. H. Male Carpenter 1872 19 Inflammation of bowels
Franck, Rev. John Male Schoolmaster 1868 43 Inflammatory rheumatism
Farquhar, Mr. James Male Ex-Contractor 1890 77 Jaundice
Ferguson, Mr. Thomas Male Judge, Common Pleas 1904 65 Kidney and heart trouble
Flint, Mr. Abraham B. Male Retired dry goods merchant 1886 45 Kidney trouble
Finch, Mrs. Female 1883 58 Liver complaint
Freeland, Mrs. Margaret Female 1891 89 Old age
Foster, Mr. Hetherington Male Collector 1881 90 Old age
Fisken, Mr. John Male Oil merchant 1890 71 Paralysis
Fenwick, Mr. William Male Messenger, Post Office 1865 60 Paralysis
Fulton, Mr. A. J. Male Ex-Grocer 1892 55 Paralysis
Foy, Mrs. Catharine Female Patrick Foy 1893 75 Paralysis
Finch, Mrs. Amelia Female 1900 81 Paralysis
Farley, Mr. W. W. Male Ex-Variety store and ex-alderman 1902 49 Paralysis
Fish, Mrs. Catherine Female Charles Fish 1917 83 Paralysis
Finch, Mr. Charles S. Male Commercial traveller 1898 47 Paralysis of bowels
Fish, Rev. Charles Male Methodist Minister 1902 81 Pneumonia
Fleming, Sir Sandford Male Engineer, scientist, etc. 1915 88 Pneumonia
Fahey, Mr. William Male Accountant 1916 74 Pneumonia
Falconbridge, Sir Glenholme Male Judge, Superior Court 1920 77 Pneumonia
Flanagan, Mr. William Male Barrister 1867 37 Result of dissipation
Foster, Mr. James Reid Male Former hardware merchant 1891 50 Result of La Grippe, heart trouble
Fuller, Rev. Thomas Brock Male Bishop of Niagara 1884 74 Result of running a nail in his hand
Fudger, Mr. Edward Male 1908 83 Senile decay
Freeland, Mr. John Male Tallow chandler 1861 70 Stomach complaint
Flock, Mr. John R. Male Coroner 1899 67 Stomach trouble
Foster, Mr. W. A. Male Barrister 1887 48 Typhoid fever
