Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Deathsort descending Age at Death Cause of Death
Fulton, Dr. John Male Doctor 1887 50 Congestion of lungs, etc.
Fulton, Mr. John Male 1887
Foster, Mr. James Male Formerly shoemaker 1887 83 General decay
Fleming, Mr. James Male Seedsman and florist 1887 75
Fowler, Rev. R. Male Methodist Minister 1887 64
Foster, Mr. W. A. Male Barrister 1887 48 Typhoid fever
Foster, Mrs. Mary Female James Foster 1888 85
Fahey, Mr. James Male Journalist 1888 38
Foggan, Mr. John Male Formerly dyer 1889 78
Fothergill, Mr. John B. Male 1889 23
Fothergill, Mr. Robert Male 1889 50
Foley, Mrs. Katharine Female Michael Foley 1890 72
Farquhar, Mr. James Male Ex-Contractor 1890 77 Jaundice
Fisken, Mr. John Male Oil merchant 1890 71 Paralysis
Freeland, Mrs. Margaret Female 1891 89 Old age
Foster, Mr. James Reid Male Former hardware merchant 1891 50 Result of La Grippe, heart trouble
Forbes, Mrs. E. Female George H. Forbes 1892 42
Forbes, Mrs. Jane Female Duncan Forbes 1892 76
Fulton, Mr. A. J. Male Ex-Grocer 1892 55 Paralysis
Funston, Mr. William Male Ex-Tavern keeper 1892 72
Fitzsimmons, Mr. J. J. Male Agent, etc., formerly lamp inspector, Gas Company 1892 70
Fitch, Mrs. J. C. Female 1892 65
French, Mr. James Male Ex-Builder, speculator 1892 75
Foy, Mrs. Catharine Female Patrick Foy 1893 75 Paralysis
Fowler, Mrs. Ann Flesher Female Ex-Evangelist 1893 81
Fraser, Hon. C. F. Male Ex-Minister, Public Works, Ontario 1894 55 Heart disease
Fuller, Mr. Charles Male Ex-Engraver; Vice President, Copp, Clark Company 1894 56
Flint, Mr. Billa Male Senator 1894
Finnegan, Mr. Patrick Male Hotel keeper 1895 55
Fitch, Mr. John O. Male Retired grocer 1895 74
Fear, Rev. Samuel Male Methodist Minister 1896 93
Finch, Mr. W. S. Male Ex-Tailor 1897 75 Apoplexy
Fawcett, Rev. Michael Male Methodist Minister 1897 81
Finch, Mr. Charles S. Male Commercial traveller 1898 47 Paralysis of bowels
Flock, Mr. John R. Male Coroner 1899 67 Stomach trouble
Forbes, Mr. David C. Male Shoe merchant 1899 63
Finch, Mrs. Amelia Female 1900 81 Paralysis
Frankland, Mr. Garrett N. Male Cattle dealer 1900 66
Farley, Mrs. Eliza S. Female Arthur N. Farley 1901 76
Firstbrook, Mr. William Male Contractor 1902 76
Farley, Mr. W. W. Male Ex-Variety store and ex-alderman 1902 49 Paralysis
Fish, Rev. Charles Male Methodist Minister 1902 81 Pneumonia
Fraser, Mr. Hamilton Male Hotel keeper 1903 78
Finch, Mrs. Maria Emma Female Charles Finch 1903 52 Cancer
Farr, Mr. Joseph H. Male Tar distiller 1904 58
Foy, Mr. John Male Steamboat agent 1904 59 Erysipelas
Ferguson, Mr. Thomas Male Judge, Common Pleas 1904 65 Kidney and heart trouble
Foster, Mrs. Alice Female 1904 89 Bronchitis
Finch, Mr. J. Stanbury Male Book keepter 1905 52 Cancer
Fletcher, Mrs. Rebecca Female 1908 55 Cancer
