Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupationsort descending Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Death
Edwards, Mr. Alfred C. Male General Manager, London Guarantee & Accident Company for U.S., Chicago 1894 46 Pneumonia
Ellis, Mr. John Male Gentleman 1874 56 Consumption
Easton, Mr. Male German teacher, collector 1908 74
Elgin and Kincardine, Earl of Male Governor General of India 1863 70
Evans, Mr. Matthew Male Hotel keeper 1898 60
Ebbels, Mr. John L. Male House agent 1892 79
Ermatinger, Mr. Frederick William Male Inspector and Superintendent of Police 1869
Earls, Mr. John Male Insurance agent, former local manager, Freight Dept., G. J. Railway 1917 78 Pneumonia
Eastmure, Mr. Arthur Lionel Male Insurance man 1919 61
Ellis, Mr. James Edwin Male Jeweller 1903 64 Apoplexy
Eccles, Mr. Henry Male Lawyer 1863 46 Effects of dissipation
Edwards, Mr. Robert Male Librarian, Mechanics Institute 1859 36 Consumption
Ellis, Mr. Richard Yates Male Member of firm P. W. Ellis, wholesale jewellers 1918 78
Eaton, Mr. Edward Y. Male Merchant 1900 37 Diabetes
Evans, Rev. Ephriam Male Methodist 1892 89
Edgar, Rev. James Male Methodist Minister 1886 63
Edwards, Rev. W. W. Male Methodist Minister 1893 48 Diabetes
Elliott, Mr. William Male Painter 1895 65
Eals, Mr. Walter Male Painter 1875 80
Ellis, Mr. William Male Printer 1871 64
Elmsley, Mr. Remi Male Retired 1910 67
Elliott, Mr. William Male Retired druggist 1893 80
Ellis, Mr. John Male Retired engraver 1877 81
Elmsley, Hon. John Male Retired gentleman 1863 61 Heart disease, etc.
Esten, Mr. James H. Male Secretary, Law Society 1892 59
Edwards, Mr. William Male Secretary, Public Works Department, Ontario 1904 86 Paralysis
Ermatinger, Frederick William Male Sheriff of Montreal 1827 61
Edgar, Sir James D. Male Speaker, House of Commons 1899 57 Stone in bladder
Erskine, Mr. Alexander Male Tavern keeper 1866 51 Dissipation
Elliot, Mrs. Hadasa Mary Female Tavern-keeper 1879 42 Congestion of lungs
Ellis, Mr. James W. Male Traveller for M. Langman [?] Company 1899 53
Esten, Hon. J. C. P. Male Vice-Chancellor 1864 58
Eby, Mr. Joseph F. Male Wholesale grocer 1914 70 Pneumonia
