Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Deathsort descending
Dick, Capt. John Male Master of Lake Steamer 1895 75 Heart failure
Dow, Mr. George F. Male Book peddler 1890 59 Heart failure
Dunstan, Mr. George Male Broker 1908 52 Heart failure
Dedrickson, Mr. Charles E. Male Newspaper man 1900 51 Heart failure
Dunbar, Mr. Richard Male Grocer 1890 60 Hemorrhage, result of Grippe
Dredge, Mr. Francis Charles Male Bookbinder 1863 38 Jaundice
Doherty, Mr. Charles B. Male Tobacconist 1900 55 Kidney, liver and heart trouble
Doty, Mr. Frank N. Male Machinist 1896 46 Killed by derrick
Dean, Mr. Thomas Male Retired leather merchant 1877 84 Old age
Douse, Rev. John Male Methodist Minister 1886 84 Old age
Dean, Mrs. Fulda Female Thomas Dean 1891 93 Old age
Dempsey, Mr. John Male Late weigh-master 1863 73 Old age
Davids, Mr. C. K. Male 1872 85 Old age
Durand, Mr. Charles Male Lawyer 1905 94 Old age
Durie, Dr. W. J. Male Doctor, Late Inspector, General Hospitals 1871 91 Old age
Doel, Rev. John B. Male Methodist Minister 1909 93 Old age
DuVernet, Mr. E. E. A. Male Barrister 1915 49 Overworked brain
Davy, Mr. James Male Secretary, Public Library 1898 72 Paralysis
Dickson, Mr. George Male Educationist, former principal of Upper Canada College 1910 64 Paralysis
Douglas, Capt. John Male Ex-Insurance Manager, lake captain 1894 67 Paralysis
Doel, Mr. John Male Formerly Brewer 1871 80 Paralysis
Denison, Col. G. J. Male Retired lawyer 1873 56 Paralysis
Dyer, Rev. James O. Male Methodist 1908 79 Paralysis
Dredge, Mr. Alfred Male Ex-Stationer 1901 73 Paralysis and general break-up
Duggan, Mr. Joseph Male Ex-Hotel keeper and horse dealer 1904 74 Paralysis and heart failure
Duggan, Col. George Male 1863 80 Paralysis, etc.
Dwight, Mr. Charles P. Male Secretary, Telegraph Co. 1901 29 Pneumonia
Doolittle, Mrs. Edith Jane Female Clarence Doolittle 1918 30 Pneumonia
Doyle, Mr. James N. Male Barrister, etc. 1893 61 Pneumonia
Dempster, Mrs. Robert Female 1919 61 Pneumonia
Doran, Mr. John E. Male Trunk maker 1897 45 Pneumonia
Dowie, Rev. J. A. Male Elijah the Second 1907 59 Result of paralysis
Dixon, Mr. John Male Formerly in saddlery, hardware 1903 72 Result of railway accident
Daly, Mr. Charles Male City clerk 1864 56 Results of dissipation
Doran, Mary Female 1863 7 Results of typhoid fever
Darling, Rev. W. S. Male Rector, Holy Trinity Church 1886 68 Rheumatic fever
Despard, Mr. F. A. Male Ammoniacal liquor business 1911 74 Rheumatism, etc.
Dack, Mr. Edward Male Shoemaker 1898 84 Senile decay
DeGrassi, Dr. George P. Male Doctor 1881 39 Spinal meningitis
Durnan, Mr. Henry A. Male Compositor 1899 56 Suicide by drowning
Dundas, Mr. Joseph R. Male Provision merchant 1896 60 Trouble with bladder
Doolittle, Mr. Male Farmer 1896 82 Tumour
