Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupationsort descending Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Death
Doel, Rev. John B. Male Methodist Minister 1909 93 Old age
Davies, Mr. F. L. E. Male Musician, chorus leader 1918 48 Bright's disease
Dedrickson, Mr. Charles E. Male Newspaper man 1900 51 Heart failure
Desrosiers, Mr. Emmanuel Male Novelist 1945 47
Defries, Mr. Robert Male P. M. Parliament House 1871 64
Davidson, Rev. John Male P. Methodist Minister 1884 84
Dyson, Mr. Joseph Male Pensioner 1885 87
DeGrassi, Dr. A. W. G. Male Physician 1895 61
Duncan, Dr. J. J. Male Physician 1912 58 Bronchitis
Dobson, Mr. James Male Postmaster, Yorkville 1894 84
Dwight, Mr. Harvey Prentice Male President, G. N. W. Telegraph Co. 1912 83 General break-up
Duffield, Mr. William Male President, Gas Co. 1899 62
Dymond, Mr. A. H. Male Principal, Institute for the Blind 1903 76
Dunlevy, Mr. C. Male Proprietor of "The Mirror" 1858 45
Dick, Capt. Thomas Male Proprietor of the Queen's Hotel and ship captain 1874
Dundas, Mr. Joseph R. Male Provision merchant 1896 60 Trouble with bladder
Desbarats, Mr. George E. Male Publisher 1893
Derbishire, Mr. Stewart Male Queen's Printer 1863 66
Darling, Rev. W. S. Male Rector, Holy Trinity Church 1886 68 Rheumatic fever
Durand, Mr. James Male Register of the Gen. district, and formerly M. P. P. 1833
Denison, Col. G. J. Male Retired lawyer 1873 56 Paralysis
Dean, Mr. Thomas Male Retired leather merchant 1877 84 Old age
Dallas, Mr. Angus Male Retired wood ware merchant 1886 84
Darlington, Mr. W. D. Male Roofer (felt) 1881 66 Congestion of lungs, rheumatism
Dixon, Mr. Alexander Male Saddler 1855 63
Dowson, Mr. Edward Male Saloon keeper 1890 69
Davy, Mr. James Male Secretary, Public Library 1898 72 Paralysis
Dwight, Mr. Charles P. Male Secretary, Telegraph Co. 1901 29 Pneumonia
DeBoucherville, Sir Charles Male Senator 1915 93
Dack, Mr. Edward Male Shoemaker 1888 67
Dack, Mr. Edward Male Shoemaker 1898 84 Senile decay
Davis, Mr. W. G. Male Stationer 1912 60
Dunlop, Mrs. Martha J. Female Straw worker and cleaner 1870 40 Heart disease
Dickens, Mr. Francis Jeffray Male Sub-inspector of the R.N.W.M.P. 1886
Dorey, Mr. Matthew Male Tavern-keeper 1867 50
Doherty, Mr. Charles B. Male Tobacconist 1900 55 Kidney, liver and heart trouble
Doran, Mr. John E. Male Trunk maker 1897 45 Pneumonia
Drew, Mr. Christopher Male University College 1872 61
Dean, Rev. Horace Male Wesleyan Minister 1866 66
Dancy, Mrs. Female Wife of City Missionary 1861 38 Complication
Dawson, Lt.-Col. George D. Male Wine merchant 1897 58 Heart disease
Denison, Grace Elizabeth Female Writer under name of "Lady Gay" 1914 60 Following operation for appendicitis
