Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Deathsort descending
Davidson, Lt.-Col. John J. Male Grocer 1910 56 Cancer
Denison, Lt.-Col. Frederick C. Male Barrister 1896 47 Cancer in stomach
Drummond, Mr. John W. Male Formerly lumber merchant 1881 64 Cancer in throat
Davis, Mrs. W. H. Female 1857 23 Child-birth
Dillon, Mr. Arthur Male 1856 34 Committed suicide, delirium tremens
Dancy, Mrs. Female Wife of City Missionary 1861 38 Complication
Durnan, Mrs. M. Female 1874 77 Complication
Dunn, Mr. Jonathan Male Butcher 1864 66 Complication
Dillon, Mr. George Male Clerk 1855 34 Complication of disorders
Doel, Mrs. Mary Female John Doel 1911 84 Complications
Davies, Mrs. Ellie Female 1884 28 Confinement
Dixon, Mr. Joseph Male House agent and collector 1865 66 Congestion of brain
Darlington, Mrs. M. Female N. D. Darlington 1878 55 Congestion of brain
Downey, Mr. Thomas Male Late contractor, alderman 1879 72 Congestion of lungs
Darlington, Mr. W. D. Male Roofer (felt) 1881 66 Congestion of lungs, rheumatism
Dempsey, Mr. Richard Male County Attorney and Clerk of the Peace 1862 37 Congestion of the liver, etc.
Doran, Mr. William Male Book-keeper, Gooderham and Worts 1876 35 Consumption
Durnan, Mr. James W. Male Fisherman 1858 27 Consumption
Davey, Mr. James Male General store-keeper 1875 49 Consumption
Davis, Edith Female 1897 22 Consumption
Darling, Mr. Henry Male Agent, Dominion Bank 1876 24 Diabetes
Darling, Mr. Walter Male Inspector, Dominion Bank 1892 36 Diabetes
Denn, Willie Male 1887 3 Diphtheria
Dunlevy, Mr. Charles Male Editor 1858 45 Dropped dead, fit
Devlin, Mr. Daniel Male Carter 1886 67 Dyspepsia
Draper, Mr. W. G. Male County judge 1868 42 Effects of dissipation
Davis, Mr. James Male 1872 42 Effects of dissipation
Denison, Lt.-Col. Richard L. Male Lieut. Col. Militia 1878 63 Erysipelas
De Marcardo, Mr. Hugh Percival Male Clerk 1908 24 Fell from high window
Denison, Grace Elizabeth Female Writer under name of "Lady Gay" 1914 60 Following operation for appendicitis
Durnscott, Mrs. Mary A. Female 1895 83 General break-up
Drynan, Mrs. Jane Annie Female John Drynan 1917 85 General break-up
Dillon, Mrs. Catharine Janet Female J. G. Dillon 1896 67 General break-up
Dwight, Mr. Harvey Prentice Male President, G. N. W. Telegraph Co. 1912 83 General break-up
Douglas, Mrs. Marion Bolton Female George Douglas 1914 82 General decay
Dillon, Mr. John Male Lumber merchant and ship owner 1908 73 Heart disease
Doty, Mr. Frederick H. Male Machinist 1912 63 Heart disease
Dillon, Mr. John J. B. Male Commercial traveller 1887 35 Heart disease
Dunlop, Mrs. Martha J. Female Straw worker and cleaner 1870 40 Heart disease
David, Mr. Joseph Male Former druggist 1887 52 Heart disease
Dawson, Lt.-Col. George D. Male Wine merchant 1897 58 Heart disease
Dowgard, Mr. William Male Cabman 1867 48 Heart disease
Dyson, Mr. Ebenezer Male Carpenter 1895 59 Heart disease
Dewart, Rev. E. Hartley Male Editor "Guardian" for many years 1903 75 Heart disease
Dixon, Mr. Frederick E. Male Leather merchant 1905 71 Heart disease
Donald, Mr. Richard Male Grocer 1896 67 Heart disease
Darlington, Mrs. Eliza Ann Female W. D. Darlington 1908 57 Heart disease
Dalton, Mr. R. G. Male Master in Chancery 1892 74 Heart disease, dropsy
Davis, Mr. John H. Male Clerk, Post Office 1893 61 Heart disease, etc.
Dunstan, Mr. George Male Broker 1908 52 Heart failure
