Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Deathsort descending Age at Death Cause of Death
Churchill, Mr. Thomas Male Formerly agent 1886 89
Chapman, Mrs. Maria Female G. Chapman 1887 50
Cook, Elizabeth Female 1887 47 Consumption
Cather, Mr. Joseph Male Agent, etc. 1887 77
Caspar, Mr. Samuel Male Formerly jeweller 1887 82 General break-up
Charlesworth, Mr. John Male Clerk in Custom House 1887 65 Complication
Church, Eleanor Female 1887 40 Heart disease
Cameron, Sir Matthew Crooks Male Chief Justice 1887 64 Inflammation of bowels
Coleman, Mr. James Male Carpenter 1888 76
Copland, Mr. William Male Brewer 1888 80
Cox, Mr. James Male Confectioner 1888 68 Paralysis of heart
Cropper, Mr. James Male Plumber 1888 79 Result of accident
Cooper, Mrs. Mary Female George Cooper 1888 90
Cuttell, Mr. Thomas Male Printer 1889 88
Crocker, Mr. J. Sydney Male Formerly Manager, Provincial Insurance Company 1889 86
Cornish, Mr. Theophilus W. Male Shoemaker 1889 55 Asthma
Cotter, Mr. James Laurence Male 1889 48
Clapp, Dr. J. C. Male Physician 1890 60 Heart failure, result of La Grippe
Creys, Mr. Isaiah Male Carpenter 1890 60
Campbell, Mr. James Male Retired bookseller 1890 79
Coyne, Mr. Samuel Male Teacher 1890 71
Creys, Mrs. Jane Female Isaiah Creys 1890 68
Coates, Mr. Edwin J. Male Publisher Musical Times 1890 25 Killed by fall from a horse
Carry, Rev. Dr. Male 1890 67
Cattanach, Mr. Alexander John Male Barrister 1890 55 Abscess
Cayley, Hon. William Male Retired, formerly Inspector General 1890 87
Crowfoot, Male 1890
Cassels, Mr. Walter Gibson Male Ex-Bank manager 1890 79 Cancer of stomach
Clarke, Rev. Richard Male Weleyan Minister 1890 68 Heart disease
Charbonell, Count de Armand F. M. Male Former Bishop of Toronto 1891 91
Charbonnel, Monseigneur Male First Upper Canadian archbishop of Toronto 1891
Cosgrave, Mr. Owen Male Tavern keeper 1891 68
Coates, Mrs. M. A. Female 1891 28 Consumption
Creelman, Hon. Samuel Male 1891 83
Chipman, Hon. Samuel Male 1891 101
Caughey, Rev. James Male Methodist Minister 1891 80 Heart failure
Coombe, Mr. John Male Ex-Druggist 1891 66 Kidney disease
Cooney, Mrs. Susan Female P. Cooney 1892 80
Clarke, Mr. Henry E. Male M. P. P., Trunk Manufacturer 1892 63 Heart failure
Clyne, Mr. William Male Ex-Grocer 1892 76
Campbell, Mr. J. P. Male Teacher of violin 1892 45
Clark, Mr. Henry J. Male Stationer 1892 69
Coffee, Mr. Lawrence Male Grocer 1892 71 Result of accident
Cawthra, Mr. Joseph Male Retired merchant 1892 70 La Grippe
Cook, Rev. John Male 1892
Creighton, Rev. Kennedy Male Methodist Minister 1892 77 Paralysis
Crawford, Mr. John S. Male Commercial traveller 1892 56 Effects of chloroform under operation
Crombie, Mr. Marcellus Male Barrister 1893 57 Pneumonia
Crewe, Mr. Henry S. Male Government clerk 1893 52
Cooper, Mr. Charles W. Male Barrister 1893 73
