Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Deathsort ascending Age at Death Cause of Death
Cottrell, Mr. William Male Tinsmith 1916 82
Coulson, Mr. Duncan Male President, Bank of Toronto 1916 77 Paralysis
Copping, Mr. George R. Male 1915 50 Drowned in Atlantic
Clarke, Mr. Alfred Russell Male Machinist and Manufacturer 1915 55 Bronchitis and shock
Cox, Mrs. Female E. W. Cox 1915 49
Cox, Mrs. Amy Gertrude Female G. A. Cox 1915 40 Bright's disease
Carson, Rev. Wesley Male Methodist Minister 1915 84
Case, Rev. Robert Male Methodist 1915 85
Cheyne, Mr. Robert Male Farmer, formerly clerk 1915 75
Cross, Mr. W. H. Male Accountant 1915 70
Cox, Mr. Edward W. Male President, Canada Life Assurance Co. 1914 50 Cancer
Colpetts, Rev. W. W. Male Methodist Minister 1914 79
Clark, Mr. S. C. Duncan Male Insurance man 1914 77
Cuthbertson, Mr. Fred H. Male 1914 54
Cork, Mr. Herman H. Male Lumber merchant 1914 78
Coady, Mr. Richard T. Male Ex-City Treasurer 1914 64 Complication, probably effects of dissipation
Cox, Hon. George A. Male Senator 1914 73 Softening of brain
Coates, Mr. John Male Promoter and contractor 1914 67 Cancer in stomach
Cochrane, Susie J. Female 1914 54
Cockburn, Mr. Churchill H. Z. Male Rancher 1913 45 Killed by kick from a horse
Clarke, Ellen Female 1913 55 Asthma?
Clarke, Mr. William Horatio Male Organist and musician 1913 73
Chambers, Mr. John Male Horticultivist 1913 63
Clark, Lady Helen Female Mortimer Clark 1913 76 Following operation
Coddington, Mr. William Henry Male Hatter 1913 73 Heart disease
Caven, Dr. John Male Physician 1913 52 Bright's disease and complications
Caven, Mrs. Margaret Goldie Female Caven 1913 84
Cumberland, Mr. Barlow Male Steam-boat agent, etc. 1913 67
Cox, Mr. E. Strachan Male Broker 1912 64 Paralysis
Cockburn, Mr. George R. R. Male President, Gas Co., Ont. Bank, etc, M. P. 1912 77 After operation for gall stones
Catto, Mr. Charles John Male Dry goods merchant 1912 44 Drowned
Cornish, Rev. George H. Male Methodist Minister 1912 78 Bronchial pneumonia
Carrick, Mrs. Margaret A. Female Andrew Carrick 1912 80 General break-up
Champ, Mr. John Sagillary Male Roofer and dealer in coal 1912 72
Campbell, Mrs. Charlotte Female James Campbell 1912 82
Clark, Rev. William Male Minister and professor, Trinity College 1912 83
Campbell, Mr. William C. Male Bookseller 1911 73
Cayley, Rev. J. D. Male Rector, St. George's Church 1911 74 Ptomaine poisoning
Clarke, Isabel Female 1910 21 Typhoid fever
Canniff, Dr. William Male Physician 1910 83
Champion, Mr. Thomas E. Male Journalist 1910 67
Coleman, Mr. James Stewart Male Manager, Children's Aid Society 1910 65
Crombie, Mr. Alexander J. Male Hardware merchant 1909 75
Campbell, Rev. Alexander Male Methodist 1909 76
Campbell, Mr. A. H. Male Retired 1909 89
Clark, Mr. Richard H. Male Ex-Tailor 1908 80 General break-up
Canen, Mr. Charles Male 1908 80
Canniff, Mrs. Elizabeth Foster Female W. Canniff 1908 74
Carrie, Mr. Robert Male Warehouseman 1908 79 Pneumonia
Courtice, Rev. A. C. Male Methodist Minister 1908 50 Asthma
