Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname)sort ascending Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Death
Cook, Mr. J. A. M. Male 1963 61
Cosentino, Mr. Agostino Male 1938
Caldicott, Mr. Stapleton Male Merchant 1907 70 Urine poisoning
Campbell, Mr. John Male 1965 86
Carmichael, Col. Dougall Male 1945
Casey, Mr. William Male 1848 88
Coulter, Mr. William Male 1947 77
Cranston, Mr. Frederick Lawrence Male 1960 61
Chisholm, Mr. Thomas Male 1957 80
Crossley, Mr. Thomas Male 1965 81
Cushing, Mr. James S. Male 1957 78
Cline, Mrs. Jane Female 1864 39 Consumption, caused through dissipation
Cole, Mr. George K. Male 1965 55
Connors, Catherine Female 1965 25
Cornelius, Mr. James Alexander Male 1955 66
Campbell, Mr. A. A. Male 1962 80
Cargill, Mr. Wellington David Male 1942 75
Carter, Mr. E. J. Male Woollen merchant 1904 57 Abscess in brain
Challenor, Mr. Henry Richard Haynes Male 1960 80
Cragg, Mr. Charles W. Male 1948 35
Cheyne, Mr. George W. Male Clerk 1896 26 Blood poisoning
Crooks, Mr. George Male 1965 53
Clark, Mr. Henry Lindsay Male 1956 60
Curran, Mr. James W. Male 1952 87
Clement, Mr. John Male Builder and contractor 1896 75
Cody, Dr. Morley G. Male 1954 69
Conboy, Dr. Frederick Joseph Male 1949 68
Copland, Mr. William Male Late Brewer 1862 75
Cameron, Mr. Kenneth Male Commisariat 1855 68
Cantor, Dr. Nathaniel Male 1957 59
Carruthers, Mr. Andrew Male Mail conductor 1877 62 General break-up
Caven, Rev. William Male Principal, Knox College 1904 74 Pneumonia
Cox, Mr. Fred G. Male Vice-President, Central Canada Loan Company 1907 40 Pneumonia
Chenery, Mr. P. J. Male 1962 74
Crocker, Mr. J. Sydney Male Formerly Manager, Provincial Insurance Company 1889 86
Claridge, Mr. Fred M. Male 1976 73
Cummings, Mr. James Owen Male 1947 63
Clarkson, P.O. Robert Guy Male 1944 25
Cochrane, Prof. Charles N. Male 1945 53
Collins, Mr. James Upper Male 1948
Cooper, Mr. Donald F. Male 1956 55
Calvin, Mr. D. D. Male 1948 67
Campbell, Rev. George D. Male 1956 69
Carr, Mr. Harry P. Male 1953 81
Caswell, Mr. Nathaniel Franklin Male 1945 87
Cowan, Mr. Clarke Male 1955 56
Charbonneau, Mr. Jean Male 1955
Creech, Mr. Joseph Male 1957 100
Christie, Mr. William Male Wholesale biscuit manufacturer 1900 71 Cancer
Cuddy, Mr. Alfred E. Male 1947 84
