Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupationsort descending Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Death
Campbell, Mr. Donald Male Barrister 1866 40 Inflammation of lungs
Cummins, Mr. J. P. Male Barrister 1874 46
Crombie, Mr. Marcellus Male Barrister 1893 57 Pneumonia
Cooper, Mr. Charles W. Male Barrister 1893 73
Crickmore, Mr. John Male Barrister 1894 78 Pneumonia
Crooks, Hon. Adam Male Barrister, formerly Minister of Education, Ontario 1885 59 Softening of brain
Cline, Mr. William Male Blacksmith 1883 55 Paralysis
Currie, Mr. James Male Boiler-maker 1882 61 Heart disease
Cuthbertson, Mr. Edward G. Male Book keeper 1880 56 Heart disease
Campbell, Mr. William C. Male Bookseller 1911 73
Cluff, Mr. William J. Male Boots and shoes 1904 42 Heart disease
Cornnell, Mr. John Male Brewer 1879 53
Copland, Mr. William Male Brewer 1888 80
Cox, Mr. E. Strachan Male Broker 1912 64 Paralysis
Cassels, Mr. Richard S. Male Broker 1896 74 Calculus in bladder
Cameron, Mr. John Male Broker and agent 1867 57 Fit of coughing
Coleman, Mr. John Frederick Male Broker, etc. 1908 59 Result of operation
Clement, Mr. John Male Builder and contractor 1896 75
Culliton, Mr. Andrew Male Butcher 1866 34 Dropped dead, dissipated
Cawthra, Mr. Henry Male Capitalist 1904 74 Gout
Carmichael, Mr. C. B. Male Captain of steamboat 1873 43 Drowned
Coleman, Mr. James Male Carpenter 1888 76
Crozier, Mr. William Male Carpenter 1899 76
Creys, Mr. Isaiah Male Carpenter 1890 60
Carman, Mr. Male Carpenter, Gas Co. 1919 70
Cochrane, Hon. Frank Male Chairman, Government Railway Board 1919 67 General break-up
Cameron, Sir Matthew Crooks Male Chief Justice 1887 64 Inflammation of bowels
Coatsworth, Mr. Emerson Male City Commissioner 1903 77 General break-up
Caswell, Mr. Thomas Male City solicitor 1905 55 Brain trouble
Coxwell, Mr. W. H. Male Clerk 1855 51
Connor, Mr. Robert Male Clerk 1870 Consumption
Cheyne, Mr. George W. Male Clerk 1896 26 Blood poisoning
Charlesworth, Mr. John Male Clerk in Custom House 1887 65 Complication
Campbell, Mr. William A. Male Clerk of Assize 1861 55 Apoplexy, dropped dead
Cowan, Mr. Isaac Male Clerk, Assessment Com. 1899 70
Clunic, Mr. D. B. Male Clerk, Canada Co. 1878 70
Cameron, Mr. Daniel L. Male Coal merchant 1870 31 Consumption
Carmichael, Mr. David Male Collector 1863 64
Crawford, Mr. John S. Male Commercial traveller 1892 56 Effects of chloroform under operation
Cameron, Mr. Kenneth Male Commisariat 1855 68
Creelman, Mr. William Male Commission merchant 1862 62 General decay
Cook, Mr. William Male Confectioner 1857 33
Cox, Mr. James Male Confectioner 1888 68 Paralysis of heart
Clark, Mr. Thomas Male Confectioner 1901 58 Killed, run over by dray
Cooper, Mr. Robert Male County judge 1866 44
Crawford, Mr. Arthur Male Crockery and fancy goods 1881 49 Consumption
Croft, Mr. William Male Dealer in sportsmen's supplies 1896 71
Carpmael, Mr. Charles H. Male Director of the Meteorological Service 1894
Carnegie, Mr. Andrew Male Diversified 1919 82 Pneumonia
Clarke, Dr. Male Doctor 1856 42
