Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Deathsort descending Age at Death Cause of Death
Beaty, Mr. Adam Male Ex-Grocer 1892 82
Byers, Mr. Martin Male Labourer, Gas Works 1892 46 Choked with piece of meat
Beaty, Mr. James Male Ex-M.P., editor and leather merchant 1892 95 Old age
Bigelow, Mr. N. Gordon Male Barrister, M. P. P. 1892 52
Badgerow, Mr. G. W. Male Ex-Co. Attorney 1892 51 Softening of brain
Bethune, Dr. Norman Male Physician 1892 75
Beardmore, Mr. George L. Male Leather merchant 1893 75 Apoplexy?
Buntin, Mr. Alexander Male 1893
Bucham, Helen Jane Female 1893 23 Rapid consumption
Bethel, Sara D. Female 1893 54 Diphtheria
Buchan, Mr. John Male Ex-Messenger, Post Office Dept. 1894 90 General break-up
Burns, Mr. Charles Male Retired ice-man 1894 55 Asphyxiated by gas
Betley, Mrs. Diana Emily Female Matthew Betley 1894 83
Brodie, Mr. J. L. Male Managing Director, Standard Bank 1894 55 Kidney trouble
Bilton, Mrs. Alice Female William Bilton 1894 56
Bennett, Mr. Thomas H. Male Saddler 1894 58 Heart disease
Bondidier, Miss. Katharine Female Corset maker 1894 75
Baxter, Mr. John Male Ex-Alderman and Assistant Police Magistrate 1895 69 Paralysis
Brown, Mrs. Jane Mossop Female 1895 63
Butt, Mr. Ephraim Male Carriage builder 1895 73 Pneumonia*
Botsford, Mrs. Charlotte Female W. D. Botsford 1895 85
Bethune, Mr. Robert H. Male Cashier, Dominion Bank 1895 58 Pneumonia paralysis
Baines, Mr. W. J. Male Broker 1895 57 Complications
Burns, Mr. John J. Male Foreman in woollen factory 1895 26 Pneumonia
Baldwin, Mrs. Frances Female E. Baldwin 1895 70
Brown, Mr. Charles Male Carriage builder 1895 63 Heart disease
Bergin, Dr. Darby Male 1896
Brown, Mr. James Male Ex-Carpenter 1896 74
Blackburn, Mrs. Sarah Female Robert Blackburn 1896 66
Brock, Mrs. Mary E. Female Ben Brock 1896 39
Boyle, Rev. Robert Male Methodist Minister 1896 71
Brown, Mr. John Gordon Male Registrar, Surrogate Court, York; ex-editor "Globe" 1896 68 Softening of brain
Boucher, Mrs. Frances Emily Female 1896 45 Suicide
Banks, Mr. Joseph Male Auctioneer 1896 86
Bread, Mrs. Nellie C. Female 1896 31 Cancer in throat
Blackwood, Mr. Thomas F. Male Customs appraiser 1896 62 Cancer in stomach
Burgess, Mrs. Jessie Female R. K. Burgess 1896 45
Bunting, Mr. C. W. Male 1896 58
Bunting, Mr. C. W. Male 1896
Bunting, Mr. Chris W. Male Editor "Mail" 1896 58 Bright's disease
Baillie, Mr. John Male Hardware 1896 66
Beaty, Mr. Adam Male Retired grocer 1896 86
Beall, Mr. James W. Male Agent, florist 1896 47 Paralysis of brain
Blackhall, Mrs. Maria Female 1897 70
Boyd, Mr. John Male 1897 68
Boyd, Mr. John Male Ex-Judge, County York 1897 70
Baird, Col. William T. Male 1897
Bell, Mr. William Male Engineer, Parliament Buildings 1897 61 Typhoid fever
Bendelari, Mrs. Mary D. Female Enrico Bendelari 1897 52
Badenach, Mr. William Male Accountant 1897 58 Hardening of brain
