Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Deathsort descending Age at Death Cause of Death
Beard, Louise Female 1912 74
Baxter, Mr. James B. Male Organist, etc. 1912 64
Birchard, Mr. Thomas Skinner Male Mail conductor 1912 79
Blogg, Mr. Thomas C. Male Insurance 1912 59 Paralysis
Bull, Mr. Thomas H. Male Barrister 1912 80
Brick, Mr. Benjamin Male Builder and contractor 1913 63
Bruce, Mr. Josiah Male Photographer 1913 72
Barrett, Mr. Robert G. Male Barrister 1913 90
Burgess, Mr. Ralph K. Male Retired wholesale merchant 1913 72
Ball, Dr. Jerrold Male Physician 1913 67 Heart failure after operation
Burns, Mrs. Sarah Andrews Female 1913 74
Baines, Mr. Arthur H. Male Clerk in Consumers Gas W. 1913 46 General break-up
Bicknell, Mr. James Male Barrister 1914 52 Pneumonia
Booth, Mr. William Male Painter 1914 52 Heart disease
Blake, Hon. S. H. Male Barrister 1914 78 General break-up
Burns, Aleda Female 1914 45 Cancer
Bonsall, Mr. William R. Male Clerk, Solicitor, Dunn's Mercantile Agency 1914 71
Burns, Mr. Patrick Male Coal merchant 1915 77 Effects of Grippe
Booth, Mr. William Male Painter 1915 73
Benson, Mr. Thomas M. Male Co. Judge 1915 82
Brown, Mrs. Amy Female Thomas Brown 1915 86
Beardmore, Mr. Walter D. Male Leather merchant 1915 65 General break-up
Bishop, Rev. G. J. Male Superintendent Deaconesses Home 1915 66 Pneumonia
Beatty, Mr. Samuel G. Male Publisher Annie Eastwood 1916 71
Bostwick, Mr. George F. Male Retired 1916 72
Boyd, Mr. W. J. Male Barrister 1916 86
Burruss, Mr. Grayson Male Clerk, Canada Life Assurance 1916 49 Hardening of arteries
Boyd, Sir John Alexander Male Chncellor 1916 79
Breunech, Mr. George Robert Male Artist 1916 65
Baldwin, Mrs. Frances E. Female Morgan Baldwin 1917 79
Bowlby, Mr. Ward Hamilton Male Co. Attorney 1917 82
Bowell, Sir Mackenzie Male Proprietor of Belleville Intelligencer 1917 92 Bronchial pneumonia
Back, Mr. William Male General Dry Goods 1917 74 Heart failure
Brock, Mr. William R. Male Wholesale dry goods 1917 81 Heart trouble?
Butt, Mr. Richard H. Male Insurance agent 1918 70 Heart disease
Bilton, Mrs. Amelia Creighton Female Thomas Bilton 1918 67 Paralysis
Burwash, Rev. Nathaniel Male Emeritus Principal, Victoria College 1918 79 Paralysis
Brown, Mrs. Alese Female 1918 74
Bourman, Mr. Arthur M. Male 1919 74 Hardening of arteries
Blackwell, Mrs. Mary Anne Female George Blackwell 1919 70
Booth, Mr. George Male Painter 1919 94 After operation
Booth, Mr. George Male President, Copper and Brass Co. 1919 80
Boulton, Mr. F. C. Melfort Male Real Estate 1919 68
Briggs, Mrs. Rosalie Marian Female Briggs 1919 75
Benson, Rev. Manly Male Methodist Preacher 1919 76
Bishop, Mr. William Male Insurance and financial agent 1919 65 Bright-disease
Bilton, Mr. Norman Creighton Male Secretary Treasurer, Bilton Bros. 1919 30 Pneumonia
Burke, Mr. Edmund Male Architect 1919 68 Pneumonia
Brown, Mr. Richard Male Wholesale stationer, etc. 1920 86 General break down
Barnjum, Mr. Frank J. Male 1933 74
