Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Deathsort ascending Age at Death Cause of Death
Beard, Louise Female 1912 74
Baxter, Mr. James B. Male Organist, etc. 1912 64
Birchard, Mr. Thomas Skinner Male Mail conductor 1912 79
Blogg, Mr. Thomas C. Male Insurance 1912 59 Paralysis
Bilton, Mr. William George Male Merchant Tailor 1912 67 Neuritis
Beatty, Mr. William H. Male Barrister 1912 77 General break-up
Blaikie, Mr. John L. Male President, Gas Co., etc 1912 88 Pneumonia
Boustead, Mrs. Isabella Jane Female J. B. Boustead 1912 75
Beal, Mr. W. R. Male Ex-President American Gas Lighters' Association 1912 73
Bull, Mr. Thomas H. Male Barrister 1912 80
Blight, Mr. William M. Male Agent 1911 65
Bastedo, Mr. John Male Hatter and furrier 1911 66 Lingering paralysis
Boulier, Mr. Hernry C. Male S. B. agent 1911 77 Sciatica and rheumatism
Blackstock, Mrs. Mary H. Female 1910 88
Baird, Mr. Hugh N. Male Grains merchant 1910 74
Badenach, Mr. Edgar Alex Male 1910 45 Typhoid fever
Butt, Mrs. Jessie Female James Butt 1909 82
Buchan, Brig. Gen. Lawrence Male 1909
Buchan, Brig. Lawrence Male Brigadier, Canadian forces 1909 62
Bryan, Mr. William J. Male Insurance agent 1909 75 Apoplexy
Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth Female Richard Brown 1909 70 Heart disease
Bland, Mr. David Male Barrister 1909 76
Biggar, Mr. C. R. W. Male Former Toronto City Solicitor 1909 62 Dropped dead from heart failure
Brown, Mr. Frederick George Male 1908 47
Bain, Mr. James Male Ex-bookseller 1908 93
Bain, Mr. James Male Ex-bookseller and librarian 1908 65 Liver disease
Blight, Mr. Walter Male Agent, etc. 1908 60 Cancer
Brown, Mr. William Male Saddlery and hardware 1908 72
Byers, Mrs. Female Allen Byers 1908 63
Baldwin, Rev. Arthur Male 1908 67 Paralysis
Beaty, Mr. John Male Ex-Custom house officer 1908 83
Brown, Mr. George Male Ex-Hotelkeeper 1907 64
Belfray, Mr. William Male Bailiff 1906 68
Bertram, Mr. Douglas Male Musician 1906 23 Pneumonia
Blackstock, Mr. J. G. Male Lawyer 1906 60
Brough, Mr. Theodore G. Male General Manager, Dominion Bank 1906 51 Paralysis
Barber, Mr. Robert Male Flour inspector, produce merchant 1906 64 General break-up, paralysis
Brooke, Mr. Daniel O. Male Retired lawyer 1906 82
Butt, Mr. James Male Ex-Blacksmith 1906 91
Bryce, Mr. Thomas Male Assessment Court 1905 62 Diabetis
Burgess, Mr. Colin Male Formerly a famous leader of Negro minstrel shows 1905 65 Heart failure
Beard, Mr. Joshua G. Male Formerly founder 1905 70
Bell, Mr. John Male Chief Soliciter, G. J. Ry. 1905 83
Boddy, Rev. J. S. Male Former Rector, St. Peter's Church 1905 79 Heart failure
Belton, Mr. John Male Leather merchant 1905 85
Blackstock, Rev. W. J. Male Methodist Minister 1905 81 General break-up
Beadle, Mr. Delos White Male 1905
Beard, Mr. Samuel G. Male Ex-Coal merchant 1904 61
Bertram, Mr. John Male Manufacturer 1904 67 Result of appendicitis
Baines, Mr. C. C. Male Broker 1904 59 Heart failure
