Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Deathsort ascending
Boyd, Mr. John Male Ex-Assistant City Treasurer and merchant 1901 73 Dropsy, general break-up
Boxall, Mr. John Male Tinsmith, etc 1873 44 Dropsy, etc. result of dissipation
Bacon, Miss. Mary Female 1859 15 Dropsy, etc.
Biggar, Mr. C. R. W. Male Former Toronto City Solicitor 1909 62 Dropped dead from heart failure
Bell, Mr. W. H. Male 1879 42 Dissipation?
Bird, Mr. Joseph Male Tavern-keeper 1858 35 Dissipation
Boomer, Mr. George Male Police Magistrate 1866 47 Dissipation
Burke, Mr. George Male Lawyer 1866 45 Dissipation
Bradbury, Mr. H. Male Late merchant 1863 73 Disease of heart
Bethel, Sara D. Female 1893 54 Diphtheria
Bryce, Mr. Thomas Male Assessment Court 1905 62 Diabetis
Burnside, Dr. A. Male Doctor 1854 74 Decay
Blogg, Mr. John Samuel Male Shoemaker 1863 45 Cut his throat
Bender, Mr. Charles Male Cigar and Pianoforte manufacturer 1877 47 Consumption?
Brunskill, Mr. Thomas Male Late merchant 1874 54 Consumption
Backus, Mr. Robert C. Male Late P.O. Clerk 1860 37 Consumption
Backus, Mrs. Margaret Female 1868 40 Consumption
Bilton, Mr. William Male Fruiterer 1870 36 Consumption
Branch, Mr. John Male Tailor 1865 40 Consumption
Barbour, Mr. George A. Male 1858 29 Consumption
Brown, Mr. Charles Septimus Male Clerk 1862 20 Consumption
Berry, Mr. James Male Blacksmith 1873 44 Consumption
Brock, Mrs. Clara Male 1878 32 Consumption
Bryant, Mr. Daniel Male 1856 19 Consumption
Beaumont, Mrs. Mary Catharine Female 1866 42 Consumption
Baird, Mr. Samuel Male Tavern keeper 1867 32 Consumption
Badenach, Maggie Female 1874 32 Consumption
Badenach, Mrs. Ann Female 1865 58 Consumption
Boyd, Mr. Isaac Male Tavern-keeper 1866 42 Consumption
Bray, Mrs. Eliza Female 1875 35 Consumption
Buttery, Margaret Ann Female 1870 20 Consumption
Bain, Mr. John Male Clerk 1879 29 Consumption
Bethune, Mr. John W. Male Medical student 1859 21 Consumption
Boddy, Mr. Andrew J. Male Clerk 1882 24 Consumption
Ball, Mr. F. A. Male Insurance Co. Manager 1885 60 Consumption
Baldwin, Hon. R. Male 1858 55 Congestion of the lungs
Bacon, Mr. W. V. Male Lawyer 1865 52 Congestion of liver
Baines, Mr. W. J. Male Broker 1895 57 Complications
Bunting, Mrs. Jane Female 1885 70 Complications
Burns, Hon. R. E. Male Judge 1863 57 Complication
Beaty, Mr. James Male Q.C., ex-Mayor 1899 67 Complication
Baldwin, Capt. Robert Male Gentleman, late Captain in merchant service 1885 51 Complication
Brown, Mr. Charles Male Formerly in Wesleyan Book Room 1860 40 Combinations
Barron, Mr. Frederick William Male Formerly Headmaster, Upper Canada College 1886 75 Coating of stomach destroyed
Burns, Mr. John Male Feed store 1885 54 Clot of blood in brain, result of accident
Bryan, Mr. H. V. E. Male Hardware merchant 1859 26 Cholera morbus after a few hours' illness
Brewer, Mr. R. Male Bookseller 1854 Cholera
Byers, Mr. Martin Male Labourer, Gas Works 1892 46 Choked with piece of meat
Bothwell, Mrs. Mary Margaret Female R. C. Bothwell 1869 30 Childbirth
Burns, Mr. James Male Ex-Grocer 1899 77 Cerebral haemorrhage
