Canadian Necrology


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z | All  
Name Sex Occupation Spouse's Name (Sort by Surname) Year of Death Age at Death Cause of Deathsort descending
Aykroyd, Mr. Maurice James Male 1961
Ahrens, Mr. Carl Male 1936
Andrews, Mr. Percival Thorne Male 1955 64
Armstrong, Mr. Fred Male 1948 84
Auger, Mrs. Female Jaques Auger 1965 59
Adamson, Mr. Rodney Male 1954 52
Allanson, Mr. Henry E. Male 1964 76
Anderson, Mr. Thomas Victor Male 1972 91
Arkison, Mr. Wilbur Male 1961 53
Atkin, Mr. W. G. Berne Male 1949 60
Adamson, Mr. William Male Insurance agent 1907 74 Apoplexy
Allen, Rev. James Male Secretary, Home Mission, Methodist Church 1918 74 Apoplexy
Alcorn, Mr. Samuel Male Retired [---?] merchant 1900 92 Bronchitis
Alexander, Mrs. Isabella Female 1860 40 Cancer in the breasts
Atkinson, Mrs. J. Female 1854 Cholera
Anglin, Hon. J. W. Male Ex-Speaker, House of Commons 1896 73 Clot in brain
Adams, Mr. William Male Liquor merchant 1902 65 Complications
Ashfield, Mr. James Male Ex-Chief Engineer of fire brigade 1890 82 Congestion of brain
Atkinson, Mr. Somers Male Lumber merchant 1879 50 Congestion of brain
Anderson, Mr. F. H. Male Clerk 1858 30 Consumption
Alderdice, Mr. Daniel Male 1867 35 Consumption
Aird, Mr. George A. Male Civil Engineer 1882 31 Consumption
Ash, Mr. James Male Blacksmith 1866 48 Delirium tremens
Alexander, Mr. Hugh Male Agent, Lower Canada 1862 26 Dissipation
Arthurs, Mr. George A. Male Formerly merchant 1872 36 Drink
Arthurs, Mr. William Male Former dry goods merchant? 1887 54 Dropsy, etc.
Arthurs, Mr. John Male 1865 32 Effects of dissipation
Agnew, Dr. John N. Male Doctor 1872 41 Effects of drink
Arnold, Mr. G. J. Male 1856 25 Epilepsy
Arkels, Mrs. Josephine Female 1897 40 Gall stones
Adams, Dr. W. C. Male Dentist 1899 74 General break-up
Aspdon, Mrs. Catharine Female 1885 74 General break-up
Austin, Mrs. Susan Female James Austin 1907 90 General break-up
Argue, Mr. John Male House keeper, City Hall 1884 80 General break-up
Alexander, Mr. James Male Messenger, Court of Chancery 1898 86 General decay
Archbold, Mr. C. P. Male Merchant 1896 61 Heart disease
Aikins, Hon. J. C. Male Ex-Lieut.Gov., Manitoba 1904 81 Heart disease
Allan, Hon. G. W. Male Ex-President of Senate 1901 79 Heart failure
Allan, Mrs. Adelaide F. Female George Allan 1909 73 Heart failure
Atkinson, Mrs. Female John Atkinson 1863 41 Internal abscess, effects of typhoid fever
Atkinson, Mr. James O. Male Carpenter 1881 56 Killed
Aldercon, Mr. Male Mississauga Model School 1866 45 Killed
Austin, Mr. James Male President, Gas Co. 1897 83 Liver and kidney complaint
Aikenhead, Mr. James Male Hardware merchant 1903 84 Old age
Armstrong, Mr. James R. Male Formerly founder 1872 87 Old age
Aikins, Dr. W. J. Male Physician 1897 70 Paralysis
Aikins, Mrs. Lydia Ann Female Aikins 1916 80 Paralysis
Andrews, Mr. George Male Farmer 1887 74 Paralysis and general debility
Annis, Rev. J. W. Male Methodist Minister 1895 44 Paralysis of brain
Andrews, Mr. Albert Male School-teacher, etc. 1895 57 Peritonitis after operation in Toronto
