Alline, Mr. Henry |
Male |
Clergyman and author. |
1784 |
Andrews, Mr. William |
Male |
Clerk |
1866 |
90 |
Anderson, Mr. F. H. |
Male |
Clerk |
1858 |
30 |
Consumption |
Armstrong, Mr. Thomas |
Male |
Customs officer |
1905 |
90 |
Result of street railway accident |
Adams, Dr. W. C. |
Male |
Dentist |
1899 |
74 |
General break-up |
Amrot, Mr. Thomas |
Male |
Deputy Registrar |
1858 |
48 |
Agnew, Dr. John N. |
Male |
Doctor |
1872 |
41 |
Effects of drink |
Allen, Mrs. Elizabeth Leak |
Female |
Domestic servant |
1915 |
74 |
Ashfield, Mr. James |
Male |
Ex-Chief Engineer of fire brigade |
1890 |
82 |
Congestion of brain |
Anderson, Mr. Charles E. |
Male |
Ex-Deputy Rec. Gen. for Canada |
1897 |
82 |
Aikins, Hon. J. C. |
Male |
Ex-Lieut.Gov., Manitoba |
1904 |
81 |
Heart disease |
Allan, Hon. G. W. |
Male |
Ex-President of Senate |
1901 |
79 |
Heart failure |
Anglin, Hon. J. W. |
Male |
Ex-Speaker, House of Commons |
1896 |
73 |
Clot in brain |
Adamson, Mr. William |
Male |
Ex-Wharf manager, Alderman |
1900 |
80 |
Andrews, Mr. George |
Male |
Farmer |
1887 |
74 |
Paralysis and general debility |
Arthurs, Mr. William |
Male |
Former dry goods merchant? |
1887 |
54 |
Dropsy, etc. |
Alexander, Mr. William |
Male |
Former financial agent |
1910 |
Anderson, Mr. W. H. |
Male |
Former Mgr. Can. Bank of Commerce |
1906 |
71 |
Anderson, Mr. George |
Male |
Former Mgr. Imperial Oil Co. |
1916 |
71 |
Alley, Mr. Jeremiah |
Male |
Formerly Crown Lands Dept. |
1886 |
74 |
Armstrong, Mr. James R. |
Male |
Formerly founder |
1872 |
87 |
Old age |
Arthurs, Mr. George A. |
Male |
Formerly merchant |
1872 |
36 |
Drink |
Anderson, Mr. Thomas G. |
Male |
Formerly watchmaker |
1895 |
87 |
Aspden, Mr. Henry |
Male |
Grocer |
1906 |
76 |
Aikenhead, Mr. James |
Male |
Hardware merchant |
1903 |
84 |
Old age |
Adams, Dr. James |
Male |
Homoeopath |
1910 |
86 |
Argue, Mr. John |
Male |
House keeper, City Hall |
1884 |
80 |
General break-up |
Adamson, Mr. William |
Male |
Insurance agent |
1907 |
74 |
Apoplexy |
Armstrong, Mr. H. D. P. |
Male |
Insurance agent. |
1914 |
60 |
Archer, Mr. William H. |
Male |
Late Clerk |
1883 |
45 |
Astley, Mr. James |
Male |
Late servant |
1859 |
44 |
Shot himself under depression caused by want |
Anderson, Mr. R. G. |
Male |
Late teller, Bank of Upper Canada. |
1874 |
80 |
Adams, Mr. William |
Male |
Liquor merchant |
1902 |
65 |
Complications |
Atkinson, Mr. Somers |
Male |
Lumber merchant |
1879 |
50 |
Congestion of brain |
Archbold, Mr. C. P. |
Male |
Merchant |
1896 |
61 |
Heart disease |
Alexander, Mr. James |
Male |
Messenger, Court of Chancery |
1898 |
86 |
General decay |
Andrews, Rev. Alfred |
Male |
Methodist Minister |
1919 |
86 |
Annis, Rev. J. W. |
Male |
Methodist Minister |
1895 |
44 |
Paralysis of brain |
Ansley, Rev. A. |
Male |
Minister |
1851 |
50 |
Aldercon, Mr. |
Male |
Mississauga Model School |
1866 |
45 |
Killed |
Aikins, Dr. W. J. |
Male |
Physician |
1897 |
70 |
Paralysis |
Abbott, Dr. Anderson |
Male |
Physician |
1913 |
76 |
Austin, Mr. James |
Male |
President, Gas Co. |
1897 |
83 |
Liver and kidney complaint |
Alexander, Mr. James McKenzie |
Male |
President, S. F. McKinnon Co. |
1917 |
77 |
Alcorn, Mr. Samuel |
Male |
Retired [---?] merchant |
1900 |
92 |
Bronchitis |
Atkinson, Mr. W. |
Male |
Saddler |
1854 |
62 |
Andrews, Mr. Albert |
Male |
School-teacher, etc. |
1895 |
57 |
Peritonitis after operation in Toronto |
Allen, Rev. James |
Male |
Secretary, Home Mission, Methodist Church |
1918 |
74 |
Apoplexy |
Anderson, Mr. John H. |
Male |
Senator |
1870 |
Acton, Mr. John |
Male |
Shoemaker |
1900 |
73 |